Author Archives: sjl5595

Wildlife free vegetables : green or not

As obesity is affecting people’s lives from many aspects, healthy eating become a popular phrase that indicates people to eat healthy. However, tragedies happened many times for there were some people who cannot distinguish what exactly is healthy eating. Many of them choose to buy food from organic shops while some choose to plant vegetables themselves. It is commonly believed that vegetables grow in the wildlife free is the greenest. However, recently scientists find that this is wrong.

In this article on society for science, it mentions that the hypothesis that we used to make about wildlife free grow vegetables is actually false that they carry more virus and disease-causing germs than vegetables grow in other place. In order to prove it, scientists do a research by collecting and measuring samples they gathered from different farms and the result shows that not only removing wildlife habitat did not improve food safety, in fact, pathogen levels seemed to increase. After this research, Dr. Suslow from the university clarifies that although the result differs from the original study, he will not change his general conclusion which is removing habitat from around farm fields prevents food-poisoning germs from tainting fresh produce.

Actually, this experiment, although seems well conducted and designed, is an observational research. This means that the result of it may be affected by third variables in great possibility such as the nearby environment of the plants, chance and so on. Conclusion is mainly based on the observation from the data of the research, even if this research in done in reverse, the possibility of she to get the same conclusion is pretty low. What’s more, the researchers mainly get their conclusion from the images, there may exist a correct or false positive which affects the final conclusion. Moreover, from the last paragraph of this article, there exists the possibility that the conclusion is influenced by the drawer problem which means whether the conclusion may be affected if it does not fit the public’s opinions. As mentioned in the passage, although the result of experiment is the opposite of the hypothesis, Dr. Suslow choose not to change his mind which makes the former hypothesis not trustable. On the other hand, due to lack of evidences and data, the research mentioned in the article is also doubtable, which means further experiments on the wildlife free grow plants should made to make the correlation more convincing.

Obesity and heart

Obesity has become a more and more concerning problem that affects the whole world. Not just in the US, Europe and Asia all have to face the trouble of growing number of obesity people. Obesity not only affects people’s personal health status, but also has influence on the society. Obese people cannot work properly which causes economy loss while they have less money to pay for their medicines that leads to a negative loop. Recently, scientists find that obesity can affect people’s heart can increase the possibility of having heart diseases.

In the article from society for science, it is mentioned that people who have obesity usually have a bigger heart than the health people which will influence their health levels. They do a research by selecting 40 volunteers and divide into two groups, one full of obese people and one with the normal ones. Then they detect and scan their hearts’ images and analyze them. Form the data they collected, the scientists make the conclusion that there does exist a relation between obesity and heart. Obese children have enlarged hearts that interfered with how well blood pumped throughout their bodies and obesity changes their left ventricle to be thicker. Thus the scientists warn people about the negative consequences of obesity. On the other hand, the good news is that the rate of obesity people remains almost the same for many years.

Although this experiment seems well conducted and comprehensive, it is mainly an observational research and all the data collected are primarily from observations. This leads to the possibility that the final result can be affected by third variables such as original health status of the children, chance and so on. In other words, if this experiment is done in a reverse way, the possibility of getting the same conclusion in the end is less than 5%. In order to make this correlation more trustable, more researches should be made to prove and find the relation and causation since correlation does not equal to causation.

If the conclusion that obesity increases the possibility of getting a bigger heart which causes heart disease is true, it does reminds people to be aware of obesity. Just like what the article says, there is currently no solution on how to reverse heart disease in obese children, we should be careful on our health and be aware of the potential treats to our body.

Scientific or not

Salt is a part of our daily life nowadays. Salt is everywhere, in our food, in our water, even in our body. It is common knowledge that salt brings various benefits to our health. Salt provides many kinds of elements that helps us to control blood status and become healthier. However, obtain too much salt actually brings disadvantages to our bodies. Many researches have been made to testify what exactly consequences bring by having too much salt.

In this article from popsci, author illustrates the general information about salt including the advantages and dangers of salt, how salt changes our health level and what functions salt has. Then the author mentions that eat too much salt can leads to high blood pressure, dehydration, and even negatively affect cognition function. In order to prove these points, the author lists an experiment which scientists make conclusion from observation. Another hypothesis mentioned in the article is how salt brings on stomach ulcers, infections, and may even hasten stomach cancer.

Although this article is listed in the popular science section, there are lots of places that the article should improve in order to make it more convincing. When puts out the evidence that state too much salt leads to cognition function damage, the author only mentioned an observational experiment which lacks of data and can be easily affected by third variables or chance. The following paragraph started with “the evidence is clear” though shows the correct statements but the “evidence” is not as clear as described in the article. In conclusion, this article is not scientific at all for it lack of data and comprehensive experiments representation.

Compare with this, another article on science daily, the author shows an experiment made by scientists who find out the relationship between high blood pressure and over salt consuming by measuring people’s rate of sodium in the urine and their consumptions of salt. Although this experiment is still an observational one, but overall it is better than the other one. At least the basic data is provided to make it seems more completed and analysis as well.

In order to write a more scientific science article, one should provide as many details of the researches or experiments as he can to prove their hypothesis. In the first salt article, the author fails to do this which makes his argument less convincing while the second one is more trustable.

First language’s influence

As we all know, when we are born we accept out first language immediately and learn how to speak and use that first language. However, in some situation, we may change our first language into other languages and even forget the original one due to some reasons. If we do not speak or use the first language often, we may eventually forget it. Recently, scientists find out that even if we forget out first language, it influences the language we use now in some aspects.

In this article from science daily, scientist make a hypothesis that first language affects the following languages even if we forget it. In order to prove whether this statement is correct or false, they design an experiment that compare the behaviors of three groups of children under different conditions. The three groups of children are tested to speak French while one of them are raised in French only environment, one in France but from China and one from families that speak both French and Chinese. After analyzing the data they gathered from the scan images of there area of brain that controls language skills, they find out that the first language has large and long term influence on a child’s future linguistic skill which proves that the hypothesis is correct.

Although this experiment seems comprehensive and well conducted, it is still a single-blind experiment that has comparisons among different test groups. Moreover, this test can be easily affected by the third variables like cultures of the children’s testing environments, the intelligences of children, chance and so on. All these factors can change the conclusion completely. In other words, if this research is done in a reverse way, there is less than 5% possibility that they scientists can get the same conclusion. Since correlation does not equal to causation, more researches should be made for more convincing evidences to prove this hypothesis. What’s more, according to the last sentence of this article, the whole experiment can be affected by the file drawer problem which the founders of this research may force the scientists to make certain conclusion in order to achieve their own wish and fit the public taste, so the accuracy of this correlation is still vague.

In conclusion, if this relation between first language and the brain’s influence on other languages does exists, it reminds people of how to learn other languages in the future. For example, they can take advantages of their first language even if they forget it to learn a similar language or with relations.

Brain difference and gender

Gender can be defined by certain organs from human bodies and some other specific characteristics of us. In some certain areas, brain is one of the part in defining males and females by studying the image and comparison. However, recently, scientists make a research on human brains and this change may affect the definitions of male and female totally.

In the article from sciencemag, scientists find out that the common knowledge that male and female have different brain images is actually a false conclusion. They make a hypothesis that reject the former conclusion (null hypothesis) and then do a whole new experiment on this. They try to make the research as comprehensive as they can to avoid the situation of lack of convincible data. They do find some differences of male and female brain images but there is no certain type of male or female brain which means that some women may have a male-like brain while some men may have a female-like brain. They also indicates that there is no standards of man and woman which we can use to identify. Moreover, the research also shows that this relation can lead to a social stereotype which exists between men and women.

On the other hand, this research is an observational experiment which means the data collected are all from the images of brains that may be affected by third variables such as fake images or chance. What’s more, the researchers mainly get their conclusion from the images, there may exist a correct or false positive which affects the final conclusion. But the result can hardly be affected by the file drawer problem which means whether the conclusion may be affected if it does not fit the public’s opinions. As mentioned in the passage, this experiment is the first in this area, so the file drawer problem may do no effect on the conclusion. Correlation does not equal to caution so in order to prove this relation, more experiments should be made with well conducted design to gather further data on it.

From the end of this article, we can infer that the scientists believe that even if there are differences between men and women’s brains, there is not one type of brain that exist only in men or women which indicates that we cannot tell the gender of a person only by looking at his or her brain image. If this statement is proved true, it may change the gender definition, just like what the article says.

Sleep and blood sugar

We all know the importance of sleep and the consequences of not having enough sleep or low sleep. Tons of researches have been made on the effects of sleep in order to make us aware of how sleep actually changes one’s life. Recently, some new discoveries had been made on the influence of sleep with the blood sugar and the rate of fat.

In this article from society of science, Dr. Josiane makes a research to find the relation between the quality of sleep and the blood sugar. She uses dogs to examine how sleep affect the dogs’ blood sugar rate in both short terms and long terms. She first makes the dogs lack of sleep and uses glucose tolerance test to measure the short term effect of lack of sleep and the blood sugar rate. Then she feeds the dogs with high fat food and does a single blind experiment to those who have higher blood sugar rate. After the data collection, observation and analyzation, Dr. Josiane gets the conclusion that lack of sleep does lead to higher blood sugar rate which may causes diabetes.

Actually, this experiment, although seems well conducted and designed, is an observational single blind research. This means that the result of it may be affected by third variables in great possibility such as the origin health status of each dogs, the emotion state of dogs and so on. Another can be chance. Since the conclusion is mainly based on the observation from the data of the research, even if Dr. Josiane does this research in reverse, the possibility of she to get the same conclusion is pretty low. Although she successfully reject the null hypothesis which is lack of sleep will not affect the blood sugar test, correlation does not equal to conclusion which indicates this relationship between sleep and blood sugar still needs further researches to prove. Moreover, from the last sentence of this article, there exists the possibility that the conclusion is influenced by the drawer problem that the conclusion must be in one way in order to satisfy the public.

In conclusion, if this conclusion is true, teenagers should be aware of their own health status by having enough sleep. However, to get more details of this result, more experiments should be made to prove whether this statement is true or false.

Multitasker acts worse

It is said that people can concentrate more if they are doing only one thing at a time and the efficiency will decrease as they will be distracted by other things that happen at the same time. One of the saying about why people do things better if they only have one is that every single cell of the brain will then focus on the current object and more attention you put, more efficient you become. However, there are some people who are known as multitaskers that deal many things at the same time. This can be listen to music while do homework or write paper while play video games. They claim that they are in high efficiency when doing multi tasks but is that the truth?

According to this article, the experiment of Moisala illustrates that multitaskers actually perform worse than those who play games on concentration tests. This observational experiment shows the comparison between multitaskers and the ordinary in three circumstances while collects the data and analyzes them.  The caution of this coloration is explained in the article that it is the prefrontal cortex in the brain that being affected. However, this research is still lack of evidence and requires further studies. The last sentence in this article identifies that this coloration is justifiable from the data they get. Moreover, the test can be easily affected by the subjective thoughts from the researchers since the result is mainly from the observation. There is also possibility of the influence of third variables and chance that can all change the conclusion completely from the original one.

Another article where the author himself gets the conclusion from his daily observation, the possibility of whether this conclusion can be correct is even vaguer. There is no clear experiment directly link to the hypothesis while no observation as well. Although Widrich successfully reject the null hypothesis which is multitaskers performs better, his whole process is to make conclusion from daily life which is not scientific at all since there is no evidence to prove nor reject his theory.

In my own opinion, there exists the possibility that some people benefit from multi tasks and even improve their ability of handling things better in a shorter time while majority of us only gains disadvantages from it. Although we cannot figure out the clear reason of why multitasker performs worse, this should still reminds us of the truth of concentrating. Concentrate on one task may not means the most efficient way but is one of the most solid way of success.

Anxiety and food chioce

College students usually face much more stress when it comes to the time of deadlines or exams. Different people have different ways of releasing their stress for example eating, listening to music or sleeping. Most people choose to eat when they are under pressure and they have varieties of food. However, from my own experience and observation, those people prefer to have junk food than the ordinary one they have. This leads me to a question, why do they behave like that?

According to a study recently by Silvia Maier, people are more likely to have junk foods instead of healthy food under this circumstance and this desire can even go against the brains. In order to find out the relationship between stress and food habit, Maier does an experiment that divides the volunteers into two groups which one of them is given pressure and other one not and record their choose of food. The result is she successfully rejects the null hypothesis and finds that coloration. This is a single- blind experiment which makes a comparison between people who are under stress and people who are not. The brain scan afterwards help proves the caution between pressure and choice of food. The mechanism of why our brain will choose unhealthy food under pressure is also illustrated to state that the connection does exists. The data is correct or false positive and if the test is repeated, the same conclusion is likely to make.

Although this test seems to be completed enough, there still exists the possibility that the conclusion Maier makes is wrong. There may be third variables that affect the result like the different food cultures of different people, the different mental feelings of people whose hands are in cold water, chance and so on. Moreover, since this test is a single- blind test, the researchers may become subjective when treating two groups of people that may mislead to a false conclusion. All these factors can challenge this coloration and maybe able to reject it. Just like what is mentioned in the article, more researches should made in order to justify further about this theory.

On the other hand, if this conclusion is trustable, this reminds us of what we are going to choose as our food when we are facing stress. Junk food may not be our first choice in normal life but who knows what we will do in anxiety?

Are drugs safe?

When students face pressure from every angles of life, many of us may have the feeling of anxiety, anger or what is even worse, depression. All those negative feelings affect us on both physically and mental parts which leads to unthinkable consequences like suicide and other diseases. In order to avoid becoming depressed, most of teenagers will take medicines that help us become delighted again. However, do those medicines really help decrease depression while bring no harm at the same time as well?

Recently a research says no to this question. Professor Jureidini and his team revised the data from the previous study 329 that mainly tried to test whether two main kinds of paroxetine were harmless or not. In the previous study 329, they did a double- blind research in order to avoid the subjective affection from doctors to the volunteers. They used placebos as the comparison and frequently kept in touch with them to gather data. Finally they gave out the conclusion that those medicines did help reduce the level of depression and brought no side effects. This experiment seems comprehensive and convincing for it was a double- blind one which means the influence of human is excluded so the result should be objective and correct.

However, the reexamine of this study by professor Jureidini points out that the incomplete of the data actually led to completely wrong conclusion. They indicates that the original study use another method to analyze the data while the method Jureidini uses leads to the result that the medicines are not that better than placebos. After Jureidini reviewed the data he finds out that some teens’ situations were not reported or mentioned in the previous study which shows that the report of the previous study ignored the negative side of the medicines. This action can be affected by the file drawer problem which the researchers, due to some reason, failed to reject the null hypothesis but changed their conclusion in order to tell the others that the drugs are harmless. The former research actually also have the problem of correct or false negative that they chose to ignore for reaching the conclusion they wanted. One study, two completely opposite conclusion by two groups of people leads us to think that the even the experiment seems completed, the coloration it gets may still be false and misleading.

Internet and blood pressure

Internet has already become an important part of our life since long time age. It enables us to explore the world outside without actually walk out of the door. For college students, internet surfing means obtain of information that saves lots of time looking in the library which also helps us to relax in many ways. However, have you ever think that using Internet so frequently can cause high blood pressure if you spend much time on it?

Recently an article on society for science illustrates the hypothesis that spend too much time on internet may cause high blood pressure which leads to extra pressure and anxiety. The definition of heavy use of internet, according to this passage, is more than 2 hours a day and 7 days a week while light use of internet is defined as less than 2 hours a day and no more than 4 days a week. In order to find if there is really the relationship between use of internet and bold pressure, the scientists do an experiment on teenagers that examine the BMI index of each one and compare with their blood pressures each.

This experiment is mainly an observational experiment. The conclusion of “use of internet affects blood pressure” is made after analyzing the data they gather from the measurement. Just like what professor Wartella mentions, one of the limitations is lack of convincing which means the measure of just once on blood pressure is not enough to get the conclusion. As the blood pressure changes over time, the time when the scientists measure their blood pressure can be easily affected by many third variables or chance that may completely change the result if the experiment is repeated. This also indicates that although they successfully reject the null hypothesis and the data they collected is correct or false positive, the conclusion may still be wrong and even may be affected by the file drawer problem. Since this article is published on a school magazine, there exists the possibility that school want students to reduce the use of internet so they eventually influence the study to have this conclusion in the end.

The coloration find in this article still needs to be proved and they need to have further studies and experiments in order to find the caution behind how exactly the use of internet affect students’ blood pressures. However, this research still reminds us that the potential danger of using internet frequently does exist.

Score and air quality

College students always want their scores to be higher and higher which require tons of hard working and readings. In most of the colleges and universities, a course is usually taken in a large classroom or auditorium which is able to contain hundreds of students. However, there are other reasons why a student can have bad score even if he or she pays attention on it and the answer is fresh air.

In this article on science news for students, there are four groups of scientists who make three different types of experiments to find out whether there is relationship between fresh air in the classroom and people’s grades or not. The first experiment which the scientists analyzed 100 fifth-grade classrooms, the air quality is not that satisfied which means students need to have fresh air in order to have better scores. The second one by Ulla and Richard which detects the carbon dioxide level and compare with students’ scores indicates that although the causation of this relationship is not clear, there does exist the coloration between air quality and score. The third one by Mendell illustrates the possibility of this relationship is tiny while the fourth one by Jenkins shows there may exist other reasons of why students get bad scores.

According to what we have learned from the course, the first and second experiments are observational ones which indicates that the conclusion may be false for they are not so convincing. Although they successfully reject the null hypothesis which is there is no connection between air quality and score, there can be third variables that affect the result. The same problem happens on the third experiment that all these tests can be influenced by chance which make the reason behind even vaguer. So if these tests are complete enough, the possibility of repeating them to get the same conclusion is very small. On the other hand, the fourth experiment rejects the alternative hypothesis by suggesting some third variables like the local climate, use of air conditioners and the attendance of students. All these reasons can change the conclusion totally different.

Actually the conclusion they get can all counted as correct or false positive for their conclusions are get from observational experiment however they fail to have some further researches to clarify their hypothesizes. Since correlation does not equal to caution, we still cannot figure out what is the actual reason of why air quality affects students’ scores or even the possibility of the existence of this correlation.

Alcohol and teens

We all know that the law of America restricted the age of drinking which is 21 years old. But most of the teenagers have already tried wine or beer before the age of 18. According to many reports, 70% percent of the death of teenagers are affected by alcohol which more or less leads to tragedies. Since alcohol drinking has so much negative consequences, what is the key feature in binge alcohol drinking that directly harms the teens so much, but not so much in adults?

Alcohol drinking usually happens in party time which teenagers all enjoyed their time while no one cares about how much they actually drink. This eventually leads to binge drink which links with terrible ends. Binge drinking, according to this article on society for science, indicates that there are not only short term but also long term effects of binge drink on teenagers. This study illustrates two studies on binge drinking. The first one is an observational one which the researchers gather data among teenagers in the US and make a comparison to show the difference of how much binge drink and regular alcohol drink can bring physical damage to human bodies.

However, this test actually can only show the correlation relationship between binge drink and the damage but not the caution which make this conclusion a little bit lack of convincing. So in this article the scientists make another experiment. This time they use experimental rats and give them alcohol while finally find out that alcohol can cause damage to the neural cells in the brain. They repeat the experiment again in order to avoid the possibility of chance in another article and the result is the same. Thus they successfully reject the null hypothesis which is “alcohol does not affect our brain function”. This conclusion this study group finds out is the alternative hypothesis with convincing experiments which quite reminds us about the danger of alcohol drink especially binge drink.

Although there may be other reasons of why alcohol drink (binge drink) affect our other body functions, there still exists the possibility that if this experiment is completed enough, the conclusion will still remain the same which indicates that binge drink does remain long term effects on teenagers’ brains. In conclusion, we, college students, should be more aware of alcohol drinking (binge drink) in our daily life.

Image result for binge drink

Asperger Syndrome

Autism Asperger Syndrome possible causes and new approaches to treat today, is autism needed to be cured.

Asperger Syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder. It is similar to autism but differs on the language problem. The probability of these diseases happen is 0.07% which means among every ten thousand kids there will be seven patients.

People who have this kind of disease usually behave in social communication problem. They cannot understand the nonverbal and facial expression while trying to communicate in improper ways. As a consequence, they are always been thought as freaks. On the other hand, children with autism will show afraid of the circumstance and refuse to talk to others. They show no interest of people nor things and seal off themselves in their own worlds. Unlike autism, people who have Asperger syndrome always have a clear and logical mind and are able to talk to people.

Both of the patients indicate restricted and repetitive behaviors. They do things at same time at same place every day and cannot bear any change, or they will become anxious and fury. They usually prefers to have some personal habits that seems wired by normal people like memorizing train time table, collect telephone cards and so on. However, some of them have extraordinary intelligence and greatly helped them in their careers such as scientists and writers. In the book”the curious incident of dog”, Christopher is a kid with both of the diseases and finally grew up into a scientist.

However, the exact cause is unknown. Since Asperger syndrome is in the same species as autism, research suggests the likehood of a genetic basis. While they are still unborn, they may affected by the external effects such as alcohol or stimulation which causes negative externality to the baby. Unfortunally , this research is not proved yet, so we can only hypothesis the causes.

Besides, the future of treatment is vague although the modern technology is developing quickly. Resent research shows that the way to cure this disease is to push those patients through the hill which means force them to talk. But the result is so small and the process is too long for most of the children cannot stand such pain and anguish in their hearts. It does need great courage for them to do this. Medicine cure faces such situation too.

Now, a new remedy uses dolphin’s ultrasonic wave in order to rearrange the structure of hypophysis cerebri. This project will decrease the pain in a certain amount and reduce the difficulties although it is in test. If it works, then thousands of children like Christopher will reborn.

There is another sound that boycott all treatments, use the words of my grandmother who was a doctor, these diseases cannot have a fundamentally solution. It will be curious to see a child being pulled from his own world and enter a new one with tears. According to the history, Newton, Einstein and many famous people all have more or less this kind of illness. A famous movie called: My name is Khan also describes a boy with Asperger syndrome came over his hardships and finally met the president. He did not accept any treatments and also lived long and happily. This film tells a story that really happened in the real world. His parents first strongly disagreed with his decision and tried to send him to the hospital, in the end they respect his choice and therefore led to a happy ending. From those examples, one can learn that we should respect every kids in the world whatever what disease he has, if he wants to be cured, then do this. If he doesn’t want, then don’t. And that, I believe, is right.

Do you still smoke?

Nowadays, smoking, as one of the most common forms of recreational drug use, seems more and more popular among young teenagers. Today, in some capital cities, the consumption of cigarettes can be over 73 million in one single year. Almost 24 percents of them are teenagers. The age of young people who smokes falls to only 13 and this number shows a great tendency to become continually decreasing. On the other hand, smoking is highly addictive and cannot be easily been got rid of.


Students who smoke are not supposed to study or even live properly. Their grade lines will show a sudden sharp fall and their health situations as well. The mental torment also made them suffer from pain, anxiety, pressure and the most important one, perilous desire. The more the students smoke, the worse their future will be. The basic aim of the project is to save those students from the boundless abyss caused by smoking, to help them from the addiction of tobacco and return to their normal healthy and happy life.


The World No-Tobacco Day is set on May the 31st on each year since 1987 by World Health Organization. Groups around the world, from local clubs city councils to national governments, are encouraged by the WHO to organize events to help communities celebrate this day. Schools especially should hold meetings or lectures in order to educate young people the toxicity of smoking and the results of smoking. Some festivals or activities can be engaged by students to learn certain knowledge about this topic. If a student sees someone who is buying cigarettes, he or she can stop him and say:” Hey, it’s non-smoking day.”


It is fair to say that school has duty to prevent students from smoking since it is a common saying that smoking is harmful to people. Many schools and students are acting actively to avoid smoking while some people who already are smoking face their errors and soon abandon smoking. The battle of smoking will go on and may hard to stop. However, if every one of us succeeds in stop one student from smoking, this war will finally go to an end.

Are the ghosts real?

Supernatural has always been a popular topic among people. The discussion of whether ghosts are real has been lasted for decades without a proper answer. Some of people claim that they have seen them personally while others remain a suspicious attitude about it. As time goes by, technology has been developed more and more high-end, however, it still cannot solve this question and even cannot test if there really exist ghosts.

On the other hand, many TV shows, movies, novels and other kinds of media have clearly indicates that whether there are ghosts or not, human can image what they look like and make certain amount of people believe that the ghosts are real. The horror movies are born based on that concept and those mystery novels. Each of them pictures how they think the ghosts are like and some interesting stories between ghosts and us. Legends and stories of ghosts spread thought the whole world. Everyone start to find the evidences of ghosts.

Here is the question, are ghosts real? In other words, do you believe there are ghosts floating around in our daily life? Many scientists have done experiments on examining the existence of the ghosts. However the solution is still vague. Many people have showed their pictures with ghosts on them and videos of people seeing “real ghosts” are everywhere on the internet but are they true? How can we believe that those things are true but not something after using Photoshop?

The answer is no. we can neither believe nor deny. A saying on livescience that I agree with is that: “Part of the difficulty in investigating ghosts is that there is not one universally agreed-upon definition of what a ghost is. Some believe that they are spirits of the dead who for whatever reason get “lost” on their way to The Other Side; others claim that ghosts are instead telepathic entities projected into the world from our minds.”

Moreover, ghosts have a status that cannot be ignored in some religious believes. Some people believe that ghosts can be one form of human souls after death which can be either positive or evil. Others think that ghosts are the shadows of people who had been wrongly accused that indicates sin or devil. In conclusion, all these saying are all people’s projections about how they feel about the ghosts. Whether ghosts are real or not is still a mystery that needs to be proved.

What is healthy eating?

As obesity is affecting people’s lives from many aspects, healthy eating become a popular phrase that indicates people to eat healthy. However, tragedies happened many times for there were some people who cannot distinguish between healthy eating and not eating. So this time, I would like to talk about what actually can be counted as healthy eating.

Improving Emotional Health

The definition of healthy eating does not mean to restrict the amount of food and beverage you are having but is to control what particular food and beverage you are going to have. Healthy eating enables you to full of energy, have a good outlook and even keep a stabilized emotion state. Eating healthy can not only helps a person’s physical health and shape a skinny body, but also reach a stable mood and away from emotions like depression, anger, anxiety, stress and so on.

A common knowledge that healthy eating is having only vegetable is actually wrong. According to a passage on center of disease control and prevention: “a healthy eating emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fat-free or low- fat milk, products like lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts. Low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugar. Stay within your daily calorie needs.” All these indicate that a person’s body can be at full function as soon as his daily requirement of energy and calorie are fulfilled. This could also show that it does not mean that you are not healthy if you have meat or proteins.

Healthy eating can be improved by many ways. Here I would like to give two options. First, search on the internet to look for the exact calories of each food you have usually. Thus you can have a general outlook of how much calories you gain and then adjust it, either increase or decrease, to fit your body’s calorie requirement. A bit higher than that value is also safe for you will not be unhealthy if you have just one more piece of bread.

Furthermore, eat something fresh. The reason why junk food is called junk food is the oil inside that increase people’s level of grease that is the main reason why people become unhealthy and fat. Fresh fruits and fresh vegetables contains varieties of vitamins and fibers that help degradation the fat in human bodies.


Does sleep really affect people?

We all know sleeping spend nearly half of a person’s life time and is the essential element for a human being to live. However, sleep deprivation is now affecting the global health immediately and there is currently no solution on this problem. So what actually is sleep deprivation?

Sleep deprivation, is the situation that a person is lack of enough sleep. According to the Wikipedia, “a chronic sleep-restricted state can cause fatigue, daytime sleepiness, clumsiness and weight loss or weight gain that adversely affects the brain and cognitive function. Complete absence of sleep over long periods has not been seen in humans. It appears that brief microsleeps cannot be avoided. Long-term total sleep deprivation has caused death in lab animals.” which indicates that sleep deprivation does affect people from both physically and mentally.

Here are some examples of consequences of sleep deprivation. In a case that I did in my high school, we randomly chose 100 students from different high schools and asked them to do a survey on how much they actually sleep (including napping). The data we collected showed that 79 of 100 people were suffering from sleep deprivation including depression, emotion undercontrol, fall in grades and lack of concentration thus led to decrease in grades and broke in relationships. In another research, we found another 100 student volunteers to join an experiment that asked them to sleep for 8.5 hours a day. After that we also gave them the same questioner while the result became totally different with the former one. This time, only 4 of 100 people reported that they had the feeling of depression and the majority of the volunteers had a significant increase on grades.

The aim and purpose of these two experiments is to test whether sleep deprivation does affect people in several aspects. However, there is still no scientific evidence that shows how exactly sleep deprivation affects human by creating what kind of mechanism. It is still a question that needs to be solved.

Initial Blog

Hi everyone! My name is Gawaine Lyu and I am a freshman who choose hospitality management as my major. The main reason why I do not choose science as my major is because I am poor at math, physics, chemistry, biology and science. This means that everything related to science are my weaknesses which obviously shows that I have no talent on studying science.

I am a careless person as well as lazy. However, science requires people to be passion, patient and cautious. I do not fit any of those requirements so I probably perform bad on science. Moreover, I am afraid of may things. Take the example of today’s class which the professor mainly discussed the relationship between worms and stupidity, I was so fear of worms that I almost ran out of the classroom. All those reasons let me decide that I will not choose science as my major.

This course also reminds me of a TED video I had watched months ago and I would like to share it to all you guys. Science is for everyone, kids included