F***ing Science

Hello everyone,

My name is Erin Johnson and I am a sophomore Sports Broadcast Journalism major and I am pursuing a minor in International Studies.

I decided to take Science 200, because this class looked the least painful of all the science classes listed. It was also the only class that somewhat appealed to my interests. I think biology, chemistry, physics, human anatomy, etc all suck. I struggled through them all throughout middle school and high school. By struggle I mean that I did it well, but thought it was a waste of my time! This class appealed to me because of the structure of the class and what we were learning about. This class will discuss topics that I find quite interesting; such as, are aliens real?, Why is cancer immortal and we are not?, and could a zombie virus exist? And that is just to name a few. This class is about asking and answering questions that I would love to know the answer to and discuss. I am also taking this class partly because I need six more credits of science to get that gen-ed requirement out of the way.

The reason I am not going to be a science major of any kind is a very simple answer: because science is not my passion or my interests. The only time I was every interested in being a science major was when I was binge watching Grey’s Anatomy. Being a surgeon looked really cool, except body parts being cut open and mangled make me want to throw up. Also, a LOT of school is require to be a surgeon! Four years of regular college is long enough for me. But you can see the appeal of wanting to be a surgeon when the men on the show look this good!

greys men

Although I am not passionate about science, there is something I am really passionate about. I love sports. Sports have been a huge part of my entire life. I have played various sports from the time I was four years old and it has played a major part in who I am today. Unfortunately, I was never going to be the next Candace Parker or Katie Ledecky, but that never changed the love I have for sports. I may never be the one playing in the major game on t.v., but I hope to be that talking head that you watch one day giving you the pre and post game interviews with the players and coaches. Along with that, I have an intense passion for traveling and seeing the world. My dad is a government worker and has spent a ton of time seeing the world. After seeing Italy during Christmas break, I decided that I would like to add this to my major. In addition to being a sports broadcast journalism major, I am pursuing a minor in International Studies.

Here is a link to a really funny scene from my new favorite movie, Bad Moms.

Although I do not like Science, I am really excited for what this class has to offer!

Deuces… obama




One thought on “F***ing Science

  1. Erin Nicole Kemp

    Wow we have the same first name and almost the same major how cool! Anyway, I think it’d be great to see the world as well and I’m excited to learn about topics such as a zombie virus. Hope to see you on my TV one day after a big game.

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