Science Blows My Mind

Hi Everyone! My name is Summer Carson and I am currently a junior here at Penn State. I was born and raised right here in State College, Happy Valley. While attending State High, the local high school, I realized science was not for me. It also did not help that I am terrible at math and unfortunately science and math go hand in hand.

I am majoring in Recreation Park Tourism Management, with a community and commercial focus. With whatever job I land in the future science will most likely not be required. I enrolled in this course because everyone at Penn State has to take at least 6 credits of science, and this class was highly recommended. I never planned on being a science major because science and math have never been my strong suit, and why would I major in something I am not good at? Even though I am not good at science I do find it very interesting and intriguing!

Science truly does blow my mind. For example, I was doing something so simple as scrolling through Facebook and science still managed to amaze me. An interesting video about the ocean and its depths came up posted by the Riphah International University, check it out!


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