E.T. is Real

Hello Future Friends!

My name is Alison and I come from suburban town in Northern Jersey called Montclair. I am currently a freshman in the Division of Undergraduate Studies so technically my options are as wide as can be. Although I do not exactly know what I want to do, I know I definitely do not want to be a science major and I think I want to do something in the field of Health and Human Development.

In high school I was never interested in science and would get bored super easily but I just did it because I had to in order to graduate. Speaking of which, one of the reasons I am taking this course is to fulfill the science general education requirement. Another reason why I am taking this class and why I chose it, is because it’s something that will challenge me to think in a different way. This class is so much different than the things you learn in physics, chemistry, biology, etc. There are so many topics that strike my interest. I believe college is all about thinking outside the box so that when you graduate into the real world you are able to think and have use the skills you have gained.

Fun fact: My favorite film is E.T. the Extra Terrestrial so I hope you all enjoy this article about scientists may have found aliens! 

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