Is drawing therapeutic?

Ever since we were little kids, art was implemented into our lives in many ways – as a form of expression (drawing our imaginary friends and portraying our ideas and dreams) and as a form of communication (our feelings that we may not be able to verbally express, or for nonverbal kids in general). Art had a way of making us feel better and happier. Now that we’re (mostly) adults, can art still help us in the same way?

How can art benefit you as an adult? According to The Drawing Website, drawing can be used as a form of therapy. When someone starts drawing, they can express whatever stress or hardships they are feeling, and in that way almost alleviate it. By drawing whatever is upsetting you, you remove it from yourself and your body and put it into something else – in a more symbolic way, you can physically destroy those hardships by throwing out the paper, tearing it, burning it, etc. Drawing can also be used as a method of communication for the more introvert people (in regards to expressing ideas and thoughts) and encourages creative problem solving and self discovery (finding your own style, for example).

How effective can “art therapy” actually be? According to The Drawing Website, enough to the point where it can assist people with mental health issues. Drawing provides a safe, stress-free environment where people with these issues are able to freely express themselves without hurting themselves or others. Drawing provides an outlet to the stress or tension building inside, where otherwise they would not be able to express how they are truly feeling. Since these people were able to express themselves, they became more emotionally stable, thus making doctor or therapist visits much easier.

Long-term benefits of drawing? If art is implemented in a person’s life as a child, it can improve memory, encourage out-of-the-box thinking, and help sustain a healthy method of self expression.

In the end, those doodles all over the pages of your science notes don’t mean that you weren’t paying attention – it was your body expressing all of your jumbled thoughts so that you can think clearly. If all it can take is a pencil and some paper to clear your mind and make yourself feel less stressed, it is absolutely worth it.

Web Source: Here

Photo Source: Here


2 thoughts on “Is drawing therapeutic?

  1. Bernarda Jarrin Alvear

    I believe that art will always be a form of expression. It is very relaxing and helpful for anyone, no matter what age they are. Because of this I believe that art is type of therapy. I am an artist and think of it as a way to clear my mind. As you said in your blog it can alleviate emotional pain, stress or any negative feelings you may have. I liked how linked it to therapy, many famous artists have actually used is as therapy. For example Van Gogh was mentally ill and spent a period of his life in a psychiatric hospital. This article from the Western Journal of Medicine, explains how his painting of familiar faces or meaningful things can be evaluated by a psychiatric doctors in order to further understand him and what he was thinking. I believe that art would be a great to fully understand anyone who is suffering from a trauma or is mentally ill. As you said before, it a great therapy. I also found an article that talks about many studies that prove your point. All of them talk about how art can be very helpful for education and that it is great for students of all ages.

  2. Claudia Lynn Hatch

    Great job. I really do think that art is a form of therapy. I can not draw to save my life, but i do write songs. That is my type of art, and I know it works very well. I was also at the Palmer the other day and found that it was very therapeutic. I do think your title didn’t really follow the post, but it still as good! Check this out!

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