2 thoughts on “On campus today….


    I just noticed that they spelled it “evilution” not “evolution.” Anyway, I personally am a believer in evolution, not creation. But I think whether or not you believe in evolution or creation all comes down to how you were raised (usually..there are exceptions). I was raised in a very liberal household. Both my parents are sociologists, and both of them have their PhD’s. I personally would like to see statistics in this class about the relationships between education levels, and believing in evolution or creation. I’m pretty sure I saw statistics in soc 119 that said basically that the more education people get, the less % of them believe in god. I found that to be incredibly interesting. I normally shy away from topics such as religion. My attitude is “to each their own.” However, hard, cold statistics could be interesting and controversial to bring up in class. I would be curious to see how people would react.


    The greatest thing about you posting this image is that I was actually 5 minutes late to class because I found that how “gathering” near the hub way to interesting. I also took a video of the sign and everything was going on.


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