First class test

Brad and Angie.jpgAll up, 28 multiple choice questions covering the course so far and critical interpretation of a media report (this one: how to be alluring by tilting your head).  My tests are live on-line for 24 hours, the students can take as long as they want in that window, take the test twice, and consult anything except each other…

monroe_1768780c.jpgMuch to my surprise, and in complete contrast to last year (1, 2), the class did really well overall.  Incredibly, three students got all questions right, never before achieved on any of my tests. Ever. The average mark was 83% (a low B), but the median (and mode) was an A.  Over half the class (53 students) got an A.  The rest: B, 27; C, 3; D, 4; Fail, 13, including 5 no shows. The only part of the test done consistently poorly was the part testing why good experiments give much stronger inference than is otherwise possible. I can easily teach that better.

princess-diana.jpgSo, bottom line, train smash avoided: 3/4 of the students are on track. The key challenge now is to get the remaining 1/4 there as well – while also stretching the majority.  Mmmmm

And why did the class do SO much better than last year?  The blogging standard this year seems higher too. Hard to imagine my teaching is substantially better (indeed, in class the students seem less responsive). I am using the same material, presenting it the same way, and the test questions were much the same. There are more older students this year.  Is that it?

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