Web 2.0 Podcast Interview

Introduction of Interviewee

                  Frankin statue at U Penn

Yuchen Qiu is one of my colleague and friend at Learning Design and Technology program who come from Taiwan. She is in her first year of doctoral study. She taught 12-14 years old students Social Studies in an international school at Shanghai after she graduated from graduate school. She achieved her master degree in International Educational Development from U Penn. During she working for the international school at Shanghai, she took some hands on experience of using social media and Web 2.0 tools to support her students learning.




Reflection on interview process

When I preparing the interview, I had informed that I may use the Garageband as the tool to record the interview. However, after I downloaded it on my cell phone and tried to use it before the interview, I found it not easy for a novice. I didn’t figure out how to save the file. So, I decided to use the simplest audio recording app which come with my iPhone defaultly. At the beginning of the interview, I didn’t have any interaction with Yuchen and only asked my questions. Along with the interview progress, I have some verbal and expressional interactions with her. I felt the interview atmosphere becoming more relax, comfortable, and open. It also encouraged she thinking more and speak them out.

Social media and Web 2.0 tools can be shiny but challenging

In Yuchen’s words, I found some useful and interest facets. In her experience, she found she can use Kahoot!, Quitlez, and other similar function apps to help her students who use English as second language memory the key terms in English. I had never imagine use those kind of tools to support English learning. It is the truth when most of Chinese international student learning in the U.S.’s classes, they were facing a big challenge which is convert the terms from English to Chinese. We didn’t learn the English words to express those key terms when we learning them in most of public schools in China. Although in the private international school like Yuchen worked for, the students still need to overcome some difficult time to learn key terms in both two languages. So, Yuchen’s idea really inspired me.

Additionally, Yuchen’s suggest to make a well-designed lesson plan and set clear learning goals before pick up technology tools are important. In past, before I realized this point, I had been driven by those fancy technology tools for a period. I liked to find out some newest and very fancy social media and Web 2.0 tools and then generate and modify my design. Yes, the design outcome maybe very cool, but it may not deliver all my goals to learners in proper way. Using the most fit tools in our plan should be one most important guideline when we make a lesson plan and set learning goals. shouldn’t let tools driving teachers’ mind.