Group picture from Spring 2023. (Top from left) Vivian, Doug, Olga, David, Jiayuan, Syam, and Amy (Bottom from left) Dante, John, Bo, Ravi, Cody, Nick, and Squire. (Not pictured but missed = Yuki!)
Olga showing us her crystallography skills. (PC: Talia Shechter)
Bo showing us the synthetic lab space. (PC: Talia Shechter)
Dante moving tanks to prepare to use the anaerobic glovebox. (PC: Talia Shechter)
Ravi showing the results of his transformation. (PC: Talia Shechter)
Amy prepping samples for a Bradford analysis. (PC: Talia Shechter)
Booker Lab group photo April 2021.
- Squire and his faculty friends during their biweekly twitter meet up.
- Olga and her stocks of isolated protein.