Protect Our Oceans

One of the biggest issues in today’s climate change is those problems that affect the ocean. They have become more unsafe every day because of ongoing pollution and trash that has taken over the ocean. However, many organizations have emerged over the past few years that have immensely helped rid our oceans of pollution and waste.

A program that I have seen on the internet over the past few years has been the company 4Ocean. They have helped to clean up 27,697,228 pounds of trash since 2017. They sell jewelry, beach gear, and other accessories as a way to fund this ongoing project. They have 12 locations and 17 vessels to help pick up this harmful trash all around the world.

Their mission is not only to help clean up the ocean but also to educate people on how to prevent ocean pollution. Along with educating, they also advocate, innovate, and help recover the ocean. Their main goal is to make others see that one small action leads to a global one. If everyone pitches in and works together such as helping to reduce waste and stopping the killing of ocean life, it will be much easier to end the harming of the ocean.

Another amazing organization that is helping to defeat the destruction of the ocean is the Ocean Conservancy. Their solution is to limit the amount of greenhouse gas pollution that are emitted into the air, which will help to eliminate global warming. The Ocean Conservancy’s main idea is to share how the ocean helps us in our every day lives. “it is important to remember that the ocean is not just a victim of climate change but also a key part of the solution.” In order to save the overall issue of global warming, we need to work on saving the main factors first, such as the ocean.

I also want to talk about the Ocean Cleanup Project, which is one of the largest cleanups in the history. Their way of helping to clean up garbage from the ocean is by intercepting trash that is makes its way into rivers from the ocean. Along with that, they are also currently cleaning up trash in the Pacific Ocean, and hope to reduce the amount of plastic by 2040.

Overall, there are numerous companies that are taking the step to help the reduction of pollution in the oceans. However, the only way we will ever be able to fully reduce this issue is by taking part in helping to clean up our oceans, whether that is recycling, using reusable water bottles, using less greenhouse gases, or even just becoming informed on how our oceans have been affected by our actions.

Change starts with us.


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