The Carbon Footprint

A term that is commonly thrown around is our “carbon footprint,” but I have come to see that many people are unaware of what this word actually means.

A carbon footprint is basically the amount of carbon emissions you put out into the environment based on your daily life choices. In order to truly help the climate change crisis in our environment, we need to learn how to reduce our carbon footprint.

It is very simple to calculate your carbon footprint, one website being found here. You have to answer questions based on your diet, transportation methods, how many people live in your household, and travel. Based on this information you can learn what your carbon footprint is, and how to decrease it.

There are numerous ways you can help limit your carbon footprint, such as driving, traveling, offsetting, food, and home energy. I am going to list our a few ways you can help to reduce your carbon footprint!

Carbon Footprint of Tourism - Sustainable Travel International


One way to help decrease carbon emissions through driving is by driving a low carbon vehicle, or else known as an electric car or even a hybrid. If they are charged with clean electricity, they emit no carbon dioxide. Another way is by decreasing driving as a whole. Walking, or even riding a bike on a nice day can help limit this. Obviously this can be inefficient at times, so another way is to carpool with others.

Home Energy

Something you can do with home energy is find appliances that are energy efficient such as ENERGY STAR. Also doing small things, such as remembering to turn the lights off when they do not need to be used, or turning the thermostat off when you’re not home.


13% of greenhouse gas emissions come from the food we eat because of the transportation and production of foods. The more processed food is, the more emissions it puts out into the environment. Transportation and fertilizers for food need petroleum-based fuel and fossil fuel-based as well. It is important to try to eat locally and organically because this will emit the least emissions.

INSIGHT: Carbon footprint labelling – a growing trend among consumer goods  companies | ICIS

These are just a few ways to reduce our carbon footprints. The environment itself already does so much to help reduce the amount of released carbon, such as our forests. Nature provides around 30% of help to save our planet. For example, trees absorb carbon dioxide, so protecting our forests from deforestation is one of the most efficient ways to reduce our footprints. Even by taking these small actions, we are able to help the planet one way or the other, and you should too.

The Most Beautiful Forests in the World | Condé Nast Traveler

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