5 thoughts on “The Adderall Crisis

  1. I thought that your topic was very interesting and relevant to modern society. I thought that the statistic that you mentioned about the 1 in 5 students misusing prescription stimulants to get ahead academically in Ivy League schools is somewhat shocking of a ratio, and I did not expect that level to be as high as it is. Another argument that you made about the pressure to diagnose young kids is a valid point that also ushered in the opioid crisis as well. Overall, I think your discussion of this topic was very clear and informative.

  2. To be honest, I never think of adderall as a drug that college students abuse, and I certainly have underestimated its use among college students. I imagine it must be extremely frustrating to take adderall to treat an attention-deficit disorder while other people are abusing it to get ahead. The crisis on hand makes me think that we should try and address the root causes of the issue: why is college so stressful, and how can we better support our students who are suffering from extreme stress?

  3. I agree with you, I find it horrific that so many children are potentially misdiagnosed with ADHD, especially at such a young age. Even with pressure coming from parents, it doesn’t sit right with me to have drugs prescribed to kids who don’t even know what they’re taking. The resulting addiction that comes with the drug is also exceptionally dangerous and can potentially lead to devastating effects later in life. However, the myths that surround Adderall and similar drugs paint them in a light that causes students to rely on them like a crutch, spreading it to other students as well. It’s a serious issue that needs to be addressed, perhaps by spreading the truth about these drugs and their actual effects on a very wide scale.

  4. It is so unfortunate that Adderall is so widely misused, as it is important for many for many children; but on that same token so many children are being misdiagnosed and mistreated with it. Adderall has so many adverse side effects which people are not aware of when they are taking it, especially when they take it outside of direction from a medical professional. It is insane how this issue has exploded at universities, which is indicative of the insane standards that these universities set. Now, abuse of prescription stimulants such as Adderall has become a normal aspect of many colleges’ culture, which is setting a dangerous precedent for students.

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