In this selection of exercises designed to prepare us for our upcoming project. This project I have personally decided to call the “Alphabet Soup” project, where we have to reimagine the alphabet in our own theme. regardless, these exercises focus on a few skills that we will need to complete the project. One of these skills is just making sure we, as students, understand the different ways to present our works online and their formats. How each format can be used or manipulated on the web, and also how our audience will see it, namely pngs, jpgs and gifs. Another exercise was intended to familiarize us on just using text in our artwork and how we can manipulate that in both Photoshop and Illustrator, in conjunction with other images. Finally the third exercise was to introduce us into making our own gifs or looping images. We did this a few ways, one of which was using an online software that would instantly create gifs for us, so long as we provided the frames to be used. Another was to use Photoshop and create the gifs manually and help build our understanding of what a gif really is and how websites read those pieces of digital information. Lastly we were introduced to apngs, which is the latest form of moving images on the web. Since it is a newer form, there were a few bugs especially when it came to creating these in Photoshop. In conclusion, these exercises gave us the skills needed to make our own, moving alphabets.
Cromar, William. “a2ZWebAnimation.” NewMediaWiki [Licensed for Non-Commercial Use Only] / a2ZWebAnimation, 2020,
Cromar, William. “a2ZWebGraphics.” NewMediaWiki [Licensed for Non-Commercial Use Only] / a2ZWebGraphics, 2020,
Cromar, William. “a2ZWordImages.” NewMediaWiki [Licensed for Non-Commercial Use Only] / a2ZWordImages, 2020,