These exercises were pretty neat and allowed me to get the hang of some basic functions of Dreamweaver and the html language as a whole. There is still a lot I don’t understand, but being able to label the parts of the code that were doing the function on the webpage was fulfilling. The Marinetti section was a bit difficult at first, but once I understand that I wasn’t supposed to recreate the example from scratch, it made a lot more sense that way, but it was not clear the first time. Perhaps a visual indicator like a red box highlighting what we should be copying over and why would be helpful. In the end once I was able to make things work in my section, with some minor tweaks. I wish there was a little more time to learn some of the other functions in html to see a larger scope of the possibilities and understand them better.
Anyway here are the web pages we created.
Cromar, William. “ConcretePoetryVideoMashHTML.” NewMediaWiki [Licensed for Non-Commercial Use Only] / ConcretePoetryVideoMashHTML, 2020,
Cromar, William. “concretePoetryMarinettiCSS.” NewMediaWiki [Licensed for Non-Commercial Use Only] / ConcretePoetryVideoMashHTML, 2020,
Cromar, William. “ConcretePoetryMarinettiJS.” NewMediaWiki [Licensed for Non-Commercial Use Only] / ConcretePoetryVideoMashHTML, 2020,