Shooting Fish in a Barrel

Jack White is at it again, contrasting the 60s to todays entitled generation in regards to music.

I wouldn’t have posted this article if it wasn’t for the little bit about how “musicians today must be increasingly marketing-savvy” in order to be well known.

Perhaps music today has changed in the way that music is a “brand” and we are sold the images, the companies, and the overall feeling and lifestyle of the music genre.

If you listen to hip-hop today, you become a fan and embody the lifestyle. If you listen to punk you embody that lifestyle in one way or another. 

I also agree with White when he mentions that there was so much to sing about in the 60s. Times were changing then, but times are still changing now, but POPULAR music seems to have come to a standstill in regards to songwriting and breaking the mold. 

Each song is the same, about the same things, and if you turn on the radio you won’t hear a new progressive rock band writing about the world, but instead you’ll hear the same pop song that was popular last summer for no reason other than the slightly-catchy beat made on a drum machine instead of a drum set in someone’s garage studio. *cough Grohl cough*

Praise the marketing Gods.

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