#1: Read to Succeed

Hey, everyone!

I’m Skylar, a second-year Finance student at Penn State’s Smeal College of Business, and today, I’m thrilled to launch this blog page as part of my ENGL 202D class.

The main focus of my blog will revolve around current events and trending topics in the wide world of business, beyond the boundaries of our classroom. Through this blog, I aim to find answers to questions that many of us wonder, such as, “What career opportunities best suit my skillset?” “How can I become a better public speaker?” and “How can I stand out in the business world?” These are crucial questions to consider when navigating our careers.

My Inaugural Post

For my first post, I want to highlight the significance of practicing habits that lead to success. I’d like to share one of my favorite inspirational videos, featuring a speech by the multi-billionaire entrepreneur and investor, Elon Musk. I first came across this video a couple of years ago, and it continues to be a source of motivation for me.

In the video, Elon emphasizes the vital role of reading books in personal and professional growth. Reading can refine your speaking and writing skills, and, most importantly, it can sharpen your analytical abilities. Books can offer infinite knowledge, containing lessons from the past that can inform our values and decisions today and in the future.

Lessons Learned

I’ve personally faced challenges getting back into the habit of reading, knowing how our phones and social media can easily divert our attention. However, I started with shorter books and gradually worked my way up to longer ones that piqued my interest. I explored various genres, from fantasy (like the “Harry Potter” series) to historical fiction (“All the Light We Cannot See”), thrillers (“The Da Vinci Code”), and even biographies. One memorable read from my early years was Ashley Vance’s biography, “Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future,” which I devoured when I was just 12 years old. The key is to find books that resonate with you.

My dad always told me that individuals in the business world often reference the same quotes, books, and movies. Without this knowledge, you might miss out on the humor and insights shared within those circles. To truly connect with people and understand what fascinates brilliant minds, you need to be well-read.

I believe this video is a must-watch for anyone seeking inspiration to rekindle their love for reading, or to gain a fresh perspective on why it’s such a crucial habit!