The Astronomy and Astrology of Virgo



In honor of one of my best friend’s birthdays being yesterday. Mia turned the big 20! In honor of her, I am going to dedicate this post to talking about the Virgo constellation, mythology, and season.



The Constellation Itself

The Virgo Constellation can be found in the night sky throughout most of May, June, and July. What a bummer that it is already September, and it’s too late to take a look for ourselves! Hopefully this image of the star grouping will do for now.

Constellation of Virgo and Coma Berenices (ground-based image)

Virgo is the largest zodiac constellation, and the second largest constellation overall. Within the constellation is Spica, one of the brightest stars in the sky, which allows the constellation to be easily located by stargazers. If you can find the Big Dipper, just follow the handle to the orange star Arcturus and continue on that path until you find Spica.

The Mythology

Persephone | Religion-wiki | Fandom

According to ancient Greek mythology, the Virgo constellation portrays Persephone, the daughter of Zeus and Demeter. The myth states that eternal spring once reigned on Earth before Persephone was captured by Hades. Zeus negotiates with Hades, but Persephone is tricked with pomegranate seeds, the food of the dead, and is forced to reside with Hades four months every year. Spring returns to the Northern Hemisphere whenever Persephone is reunited with her mother, and winter takes over when she is in the underworld. This is why Virgo’s constellation returns to the sky during spring.

Virgo Season

Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury. This planet rules rationalization, words, awareness, and communication. This season, ranging from August 23 to September 22 this year, is the perfect time to get life back in order as efficiency in every day life is increased. During this time, it is possible to find yourself more indulged in the physical world with more observation and analysis. Now is the time to get yourself organized and focused on whatever projects you have been wanting to finish. But don’t overwhelm yourself!

If you’re a student, I would suggest utilizing this time period to your advantage and getting a better understanding of your syllabuses, catching up on schoolwork, and figuring out the next steps in your life!

Good luck to you and may this Virgo season bring you all the success and answers you need!


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