The following information provides a list of campus tree species as documented with OpenTreeMap. You can view our tree information within OpenTreeMap’s section on PA trees. Please check back with us as more trees are being inventoried and added to the list regularly. We are also working to expand our collection to provide further biodiversity to the campus ecosystem.
Our current listing as of February 2023 includes trees from the Penn State Schuylkill dorms to the maintenance road behind the Ciletti Memorial Library.
- American basswood
- American holly
- Austrian pine
- Balsam fir
- Blue spruce
- Boxelder
- Callery pear
- Common juniper
- Crabapple
- Douglas fir
- Eastern red cedar
- Eastern Redbud
- Eastern white pine
- False Cypress
- Flowering Dogwood
- Fraser fir
- Hackberry
- Japanese maple
- Japanese pagoda tree
- Kentucky coffeetree
- Kousa dogwood
- Leyland Cypress
- London planetree
- Magnolia
- Northern bayberry
- Northern catalpa
- Northern white cedar
- Norway maple
- Paper birch
- Pin oak
- Red maple
- Red oak
- River birch
- Siberian elm
- Silver maple
- Sugar maple
- Swamp white oak
- Thornless Honey Locust
- Tulip Tree (Yellow Poplar) (Tulip Poplar)
- Weeping cherry
- White oak
- White spruce
- Yoshino flowering cherry