Prudence Cummings Wright

During the American Revolution, most people think of the brave men who rose up, formed various militias, and took down the British in a surprising turn of world history.  People do not usually think about the brave women that stayed behind.  Many of these women took on their husbands’ professions to keep the economy going strong, and they also had to simultaneously maintain the appearance of their homes and raise their children in a society where the majority of the men were gone.  The less politically heated women contributed to the war effort in different ways, like by sewing uniforms for the Continental Army and working in small businesses.  Other women physically joined their husbands at the military camps so they would not have to be away from them, therefore moving away from the major towns and to the military centers.  These were all different aspects of life for women during the Revolutionary War, but one major one has yet to be discussed: the women physically fighting in the war and taking the fight into their own hands.

Some women, however, took matters into their own hands and went out and fought for the cause themselves.  One prime example of this valiant behavior was shown through the actions of Prudence Cummings Wright.  Prudence was a thirty five year old mother of six, who, when the war began, joined with other townswomen to defend their town in Massachusetts while the men were out fighting in the war and nearby skirmishes.  These women proudly defended their town and managed to capture multiple Tory spies who were attempting to infiltrate and spread secret coded messages.  They dressed up in their husbands’ clothing, armed themselves with muskets, pitchforks, and whatever else they could find to defend themselves, and stood at Jewett’s bridge to defend their town and stop the spread of news that would hurt their revolutionary cause.  Prudence was elected to be the leader of these women, and a book written shortly after the event illustrates how determined they were to do their part.  The book, History of the Town of Groton, was the earliest version (1848) of the accounts of the event, and in this book the author wrote, “and having elected Mrs. Wright their commander, resolutely determined, that no foe to freedom, foreign or domestic, should pass that bridge. For rumors were rife, that the regulars were approaching, and frightful stories of slaughter flew rapidly from place to place and from house to house.”  This account, even though it was written significantly later than the time the event occurred, truly show how determined these women were to defend both their town and themselves, along with the vast number of women who participated in this aspect of the war.

Prudence Cummings Wright represents many women during the Revolutionary War.  People do not usually think about the fact that this was a very similar situation to when the men left for World War II, or really any other war, and the women had to step in and take up different roles.  Just as they did during the other, more globalized wars, the women took up the working positions of their husbands in some cases, and also took up arms themselves.  This was more common than I initially thought, given that I had typically heard of a smaller number of women disguising themselves as men and fighting in secret.  Through women like Prudence Cummings Wright, more women became involved in defending themselves, their towns, and their future during the Revolutionary War, and they set a precedent for the many wars to come.

4 Comments on Prudence Cummings Wright

  1. ccc5450
    April 8, 2017 at 12:04 pm (7 years ago)

    Once again, I had never heard of this woman or her important role during a critical time. I thought it was interesting that because they were women and wanted to help in the war, they had to dress up like men. This just highlights the social status and societal norms of the time that women had no roles in war. But, brave and influential women like Prudence did what they needed to do in order to help in the cause. I like how you also related it to World War II because women again denied societal norms and stepped in to do what they could to help the country. Great post!

  2. ixj5042
    April 8, 2017 at 6:11 pm (7 years ago)

    Now you mention, I think it is wrong to not mention the women in our discussions of the American Revolution. Like Wright, there probably were may other women who contributed to the American victory over the British that either went unnoticed or were down played. This blog has taught me a lot about the women in history and also made me think to why we, as a society, are unaware of the many women who played vital roles in history. As we move forward, I think we should look into assessing history from a male dominant perspective to talking about those who were either behind the scenes or were ignored because of their gender.

  3. Sophie Haiman
    April 9, 2017 at 8:53 pm (7 years ago)

    Every time I read this blog I become even more appreciative about the fact that you are bringing to light women in situations which we associate typically with men. In school we learn about these historical events and rarely ever do they mention women and their roles in these pieces of history. More often than not, they are overshadowed by the men. But, as I read your blog, my understanding of these events continuously change. And, as a result, I have begun to look for the role of women in these types of events more.

  4. Alan Tompkins
    February 21, 2022 at 9:36 pm (2 years ago)

    Town records are full of many women and men who played significant rolls during the Revolution. Anyone wanting to know such needs only dig somewhat in courthouses, town halls, libraries and historical societies.

    Here’s another: MARGARET KEMBLE (b 1734); all she did was marry General Thomas Gage; she was a headstrong woman who lectured her husband about liberty and justice.

    There is circumstantial evidence pointing to MARGARET as leaking information to the Whigs, even to the fact that British plans seemed always to be known to the Rebels. Gen’l Gage never divulged info about upcoming expeditions but somehow knowledge of such was known by the militias of the surrounding towns. For now we can not say that Margaret was the leak, but the only ones who knew his plans were his own small circle and that included his wife.


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