Lecture Notes:
- Convolutional Neural Networks
- Galaxy Challenge: Kaggle
- ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC): ImageNet; Kaggle
- Million Song Dataset: LabROSA
- MNIST Database of Handwritten Digits: yann.lecun.com
- Predicting Poverty: Jean et al. (Science, 2016), Pokhriyal and Jacques (PNAS, 2017)
- Predicting Galaxy Morphology: Dieleman et al. (2015)
- Predictive Modeling with Electronic Health Record (EHR) data: Rajkomar et al. (npj Digital Medicine, 2018)
- Installing TensorFlow: Ubuntu, Windows and macOS
- Demo 1: Linear Regression
- Demo 2: Two-Layer Neural Network
- Demo 3: MNIST data analysis using single layer
- Demo 4: MNIST data analysis using Convolution Neural Network