- 6.5 million inhabitants
- Jews make up 77.2% of the population, while non-Jewish citizens, mostly Arabs, account for about 22.8%
- Most Israeli citizens are required by law to serve in the military once they have reached age 18. For men, service lasts three years, and for women, two years. The Israeli military ranks among the best in the world.
- The kosher laws forbid eating certain foods, including pork, rabbit and shellfish, and even “kosher” animals must be slaughtered according to the humane guidelines of Jewish law. Dairy and meat foods also need to be cooked and eaten separately.
- Other common jewish foods include: potato latkes, shishlik and kebobs!
- Although Hanukkah celebrates a military victory, its major symbol — the Hanukkah menorah, or hanukkiah — reminds us of the miracle of the oil.
The Hanukkah menorah holds nine candles, one for each of the eight nights and an additional candle that’s used to light the others. One candle is lit on the first night of Hanukkah, two on the second night, until all eight candles are lit on the eighth night.
- The West Bank is inhabited by approx. 2.4 million Palestinians and the Gaza Strip by another 1.4 million.
- Muslims are the predominant religious group in Palestine, comprising around three quarters of the population, and Islamic practices prevail in the territories. Most Palestinian Muslims belong to the Sunni sect.
- It is considered polite to turn down a dinner invitation to avoid imposing, but the host will continue to insist on the guest’s company. Proper dress is essential in displaying good manners. Both men and women cover their heads, and women must always cover their shoulders and upper arms.
- Because Islam forbids the portrayal of people and animals, most Arab designs feature plants, leaves, or geometric shapes. Many Palestinians are skilled in calligraphy and illustrate verses from the Koran in beautiful designs and sell them at art shows.
- Although polygamy is a common practice among Arab men, with as many as four wives allowed, most Palestinian men have only one or two wives.
- Many Palestinian men consider it unacceptable for women to work outside the home, so women are usually restricted to homemaking or local cottage industries.