Setting an Intention: Healthy Choices

Think down the road six months… that’s roughly Thanksgiving time… about some quality that you’d like to have in your life by that time. Take that hope and write it on a small stone that fits in your pocket as a reminder to make choices each day to help make that intention a reality in your life. Since January, mine has been “balance” and I have to say, that walking around with my stone, really did give me the conviction to choose it, when I needed to – like staying home from work when you are really sick and walking away from the TV to get a walk and sunshine, even if the latest Kdrama is too compelling! The stone seems to give you permission to choose the good for yourself! Lately though, I feel like I’m doing OK with this and want to set a new intention.

making healthy choices

My whole life seems to have been one of diets and dieting. I recently had some victories – lost some weight, dropped my cholesterol, got moving with the help of my FitBit, and generally am feeling pretty darned good. But I also know that these gains are just a breath away from being only a faint memory, once again… So I’ve chosen my new intention for the next six months: to consistently make healthy choices. I don’t want to start over again…I want to keep moving forward. But for everyone out there who knows what I’m talking about, I guess all we can do is keep trying…so set your intentions – whatever they may be – and take it day by day with gentle reminders to do what you need to do to get that quality in your life. Fighting!!!!

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6 Responses to Setting an Intention: Healthy Choices

  1. Lisa says:

    I like the idea of writing an intention on a small stone and carrying it around. The past couple of years I’ve chosen one little word on New Years. I’ve hoped that this word could be a focus for the year, but after a couple of months I’ve forgotten about it. I think the stone would help keep me focused and intentional.

  2. Suzanne says:

    It is a daily reminder that works for me! Good luck, Lisa! Give it a shot and see if it does for you, too.

  3. Bev Baird says:

    It sounds like you have made some impressive gains and made great healthy choices. Setting intentions is so important. Love your idea of carrying yours around. All the best!

  4. Barbara Suter says:

    This sounds like a wonderful thing to do with a high school class. It reminds me of the idea of giving hs kids an egg to carry around for a while so they can learn about being responsible for a baby. The kids could also journal about their experience with their rock. Thanks for the nice idea.

    • scs15 says:

      Thanks for your thoughts, Barb! I do this with my college first-years and they like it! At a few campus activities after that class, I’d see them across the gym and they’d pull out their stone and hold it high…Pretty cool… I want them to tap into positive things and the fact that they have some level of control over things, especially internally!

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