Dr. Fauci, A Humble Doctor, or Politician?

A little over a year ago, uncertainty raged across America as the COVID-19 pandemic begun to strengthen its grip on the American people. As widespread lockdowns started to become a common measure to combat the pandemic, many Americans were scared and uncertain of what to do next. A professional in the medical world, Dr. Anthony Fauci, became a familiar face on the news. Dr. Fauci has had a long prestigious career, he graduated from Cornell University then obtained the role of NIAID director in 1984 and has advised presidents on health crises since then. Over the course of the pandemic events unfolding, Dr. Fauci started to become the “father of the pandemic.” His credentials and expert advice helped to inform millions of Americans of the latest information of the pandemic. However, it seems as Dr. Fauci is losing some credibility lately as some of the statements he has made conflict with others in the past, and is questioned on whether he has too much political power in advising the actions of state protocols for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Image result for dr fauci cornell university

Dr. Fauci Cornell University Picture

Some question whether Dr. Fauci had a larger negative effect on the economy than recognized. One message has remained relatively clear from Dr. Fauci, mask, social distance, and avoid gatherings. He has drilled this message into millions of Americans. This has caused his loyal listeners, to become very cautious of what they do during the pandemic. This can be seen as a good thing as his listeners have adopted more healthy lifestyles. However, at the same time, this ahs caused many small businesses and certain sectors of the economy such as travel, to be hit especially hit hard during the pandemic. In fact, low-income workers of the economy saw a decline in employment that was on the same level of the Great Depression while higher paid workers were more likely to retain their jobs.

Unemployment Rate Chart


Dr. Fauci has done some very good things for the United States, even winning the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2008. However, it seems as he has worn on his welcome to some parts of the U.S. population. One thing that was incredibly striking to read when doing research for this blog was that Dr. Fauci admitted to adjusting things that he said according to what he thought the American people could handle. For example, Dr. Fauci slowly moved his heard immunity numbers from 60% to 85% because he thought America would not be able to handle the 85% estimate initially. With the United States always seemingly 6-8 weeks away from opening back up, Dr. Fauci is still unclear on what level America needs to reach before easing of restrictions.

Dr. Fauci is undoubtedly a great doctor with an impressive career, but at 80 years old and some bad blood amongst some Americans, perhaps it is time for him to take less of a headline media role and pass it onto someone else.

2 Responses

  1. cqd5482 says:

    It’s a good thing my mom’s not reading this blog, she’s ride or die for Dr. Fauci. But either way, I think that the points you made are a very interesting alternative to the pedestal that the American public has given him. While I think it’s interesting that he’s admitted to changing what he says so that the American public is more receptive, I honestly think all politicians are guilty of this so I don’t necessarily think it’s a huge issue. I do think that your point about how these policies have damaged small businesses is an important point to consider because this has a direct impact on the livelihood of these Amerians.

  2. jts5871 says:

    Jayden, thank you for writing about this compelling topic. It is slightly alarming that a scientist, who should ideally be communicating the facts, is altering significant numbers. Although, it is important to understand the notions behind such alterations. If Dr. Fauci told the American populace that the U.S. was a year away from opening back up, would they be urged to follow quarantine protocols? Or if he told them the actual-and rather high-herd immunity percentage, would they be discouraged? Dr. Fauci is an interesting icon because he is at the intersection of science and politics.

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