Week 9: Podcast Interview

Hello Week 9 and my first ever podcast!  I was a little nervous about this assignment because first, I didn’t know what to expect.  I never used recording and never thought about doing a podcast!  Second, I was going to do this interview with a colleague, with a tool I never used before this assignment.  I had my fingers crossed it would all work out!

After reviewing this week’s sites and media I encountered many similarities with how various media, including social media, supports learning. The common goals I see is to encourage students to seek & make meaning, ask questions, be curious, create and collaborate.  Using various media supports learning in the formal sense as well as informally.  We can formally use social media and other media outlets to engage students in a lesson or use to encourage participation and collaboration.  Informally, we can interact with others of same interests or professions and extend our learning and make personal meaning of information around us.  I definitely look for ways to incorporate more media, especially social media in the classroom.  This is what students do and this is how they connect.  I do have some reservations, such as keeping up with the demand and constant changes, of social media specifically, and making sure to keep posts ethical (i.e. teaching digital citizenship).


For this week’s podcast interview , I chose to interview a colleague of mine, Dr. Annette Fecerra.  Dr. Fecerra has been teaching Health Education for 15 years. She has a B.S. Kinesiology, a M.Ed. School Health and Ed.D. Educational Leadership.  She is an excellent candidate for this interview because she often uses technology in her classroom as well as professionally.


Overall, I think the process of the interview went well however next time I would make sure to practice what I wanted to say in my opening and closing.  During the course of the interview, I thought Annette had some really interesting ideas and suggestions, especially surrounding social media.  I have wanted to set up a Twitter account for my classes and I like how she is using it to promote her department as well as stay relevant and connected to her students.

I also like how she often asks for student input.  Her example with trying to figure out Snapchat by having the students show her is awesome.  Not sure if this has any educational purpose but it is making connections with students and that is important.  She also checks in with them about whether they know how to use tools and takes steps to promote digital citizenship & literacy.

Another good point she brings up is about learning your district or company policies on what is acceptable with social media.  I honestly did not think much about that other than not to mix personal with school, but I will look more at that in the future.



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