Trustworthy AI Service Systems

By leveraging my research activities built around service computing and smart services for the Internet of Things (IoT), my current research strategy since I joined PSU aims at developing new chain of data analytical models and tools and platforms for designing and deploying “Trustworthy AI Service Systems.” To this end, I am investigating a multidisciplinary and systematic approach, integrating AI, IoT and Blockchains. My current research projects fall under the following topics.

  1. AI-based Service Systems
  2. Blockchains and AI-based Services
  3. Trustworthiness and AI Systems

Research Projects

General Purpose Conversional AI Expert (Impulso)

The key challenge under this topic revolves around new analytic methods and techniques to improve human-to-machine cognitive-based services in the Cloud or at the edge.

  • Team: Atharva Mungee (MS) and Dr. Robin Qiu
  • Objective: build a Conversational AI service based on cognitive processes and learning objectives in a closed domain. The Conversational AI service continuously adapts conversions and answers based on accumulated knowledge acquired from interactions with humans and the assessment of their cognitive capabilities.

AI for Blockchains – Blockchain Data Analytics (Daan.chains)

  • Team: Akash Singh Baghel (RA) and Dr. Partha Mukherjee
  • Objective: build analytics pipelines to explore, understand and get insights from Ethereum and Bitcoin blockchains.

Smart and Secure Devices

  • Reinforcement Learning-based energy consumption Controller
    • Team: Anchal Gupta (MS), Dr. Robin Qiu, Dr. Ashkan Negahban
    • Objective: build and deploy Reinforcement Learning Controller on devices
  • Reinforcement Learning-based-Intrusion detection at the edge
    • Team: Wahid Khan Abzal (RA)
    • Objective: build and deploy an intrusion detector at the edge (Raspberry Pi)


Feel free to contact Dr. Youakim Badr (yb at if you have any questions or visit his personal website for more details.