MMS #6 (Apple worth $1Trillion?!?!)

For my MMS this week, I decided to read the article “Apple Closes In On $1 Trillion Dollar Cap.” Just from the title, I was a little shocked and intrigued to read it, I guess that’s what drew me in! From reading, I found out that Apple is beginning to become the first company ever that is worth a trillion dollars. At first, this didn’t surprise me, but after reading about the rate at which they have gone up and the amount of products that they sell, I started to draw some conclusions and got far more interested. Not only was this because of the incredible amount of phones that they sell, but the CEO of Apple mentioned that this was probably not even possible without Apple Music, Apple’s newest form of streaming music. Since we had been talking about this a lot in class, I thought it was also pretty neat to see this in the news so quickly.

Just last quarter, Apple sold 41.3 million phones and this got me thinking about how many people actually own iPhones so I looked it up. I found that over 220 million people in the world have iPhones, and it turns out that it is almost like every single person in America having one. After learning all of this, it got me thinking about how much control Apple really has on the market and the social effect that they have in our current culture. Also, Apple receives everyone’s information that actually has an iPhone so it makes me wonder how they store all of that data and what they are really capturing. It has been in the news that our phones, Amazon Alexa’s and Google Homes have been caught recording down our information and some of it is being sold to other companies and even governments. Wouldn’t you think that Apple could make more of a fortune than all of these places combined, being that the information on iPhones is far more exact and personal because it is on the owner at all times. It makes me start to think about what goes on behind the scenes and who is really taking down our information and for what purpose. In theory, this would give Apple the upper hand in marketing and advertising to their customers as they basically know everything about them.

Nonetheless, I congratulate Apple for almost hitting the marvelous achievement that at one point seemed impossible. From starting in a garage full of genius to building an almost trillion dollar company is simply absurd. Hats off to you Mr. Jobs and the staff over at Apple.

Image result for Apple

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