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Android Setup

Outlook Configuration for Android

The Outlook app available through the Play Store is the recommended option for Office 365 on mobile devices. It works very well and is easy to configure. Please refer to the following  Knowledgebase article for the installation procedure: .

    • Note: If you were using this app before Office 365 at Penn State was implemented, until you remove your old Smeal Profile you may see duplicates of emails, contacts, calendar events, etc.

Native Android App Configuration

While the Office 365 team recommends using the Outlook app for Office 365 due to ease of setup and design features, you may prefer to use your native mail/calendar clients on your mobile devices. Steps on how to configure your native client can be found below.

  1. Open your Email app.
  2. Tap Users & Accounts if you already have accounts in here, otherwise skip to step 4.
  3. Tap Add Account.
  4. For the account type tap Corporate” or “Exchange depending on your version of Andriod.
  5. For this screen put your full email address ( on the email line and Penn State password for your password.
  6. Tap Manual Setup.
  7. Check that the following information applied:
    • For the Domain\username field verify that is shows “\” .
    • Password: Enter your Penn State password.
    • Server: .
  8. Tap Next.
  9. Your phone will display Verifying for approximately 5 seconds.
  10. Tap OK on the Remote Security Administration verification screen.
  11. Modify your sync schedule to reflect your needs.  We recommend changing email sync to at least 2 Weeks if not more and Calendar sync to at least 1 month if not more.
  12. Tap Next.
  13. Tap Activate this device admin app. You may also receive an on-screen confirmation: Your account is set up and your email are on its way.
  14. Name your account, we recommend Office 365 or PSU Email. (This can be anything as long as it is recognizable to you.)
  15. Tell it where you would like this information to sync default, Mail, Contacts, Calendars, and Tasks will be enabled.
  16. Tap Done with Accounts.
  17. It may take a few moments for your email to come in.
    • Note: If you were using this app before Office 365 at Penn State was implemented, until you remove your old Smeal Profile you may see duplicates of emails, contacts, calendar events, etc.

Removing Your Smeal Profile from Outlook App for Android

  1. Open your Outlook app.
  2. Tap on the gear in the upper righthand corner.
  3. Tap on your Smeal account.
  4. Scroll to the bottom.
  5. Tap Delete Account.
  6. Confirm the deletion by tapping Delete.

Removing Your Smeal Profile from Native Android App

  1. Open your Mail App.
  2. Tap the three lines in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.
  3. Tap Manage Accounts at the bottom.
  4. Tap the trashcan icon in the upper righthand corner.
  5. Select your Smeal Profile.
  6. Tap Done.
  7. Confirm your deletion by tapping Remove.