Who is my advisor?

Even if you do not have a designated advisor listed in LionPATH, your program advising team members are Molly Margolis and Michelle Rockower (see below). We encourage you to reach out to us at any time throughout your program with questions or for assistance with any issue. The best and fastest way to reach us is via email; there is also the option to schedule Zoom meetings with us whenever needed.

Molly Margolis, Academic Program Specialist

Photo of Molly Margolis, a white woman with glasses and short dark hair, wearing a black shirt and white cardigan sweater.Molly is your best first contact for day-to-day questions about adding and dropping classes, course selection, program progression, academic records, graduation, stacking credentials, and other advising or administrative topics. You can email her at hmm12@psu.edu or schedule an advising session using this link: https://calendly.com/hmm12.

Michelle Rockower, Managing Director

Photo of Michelle Rockower, a white woman with long brown hair and blue eyes, wearing a black shirtMichelle is available to assist with higher-level questions and concerns pertaining to program curriculum, concurrent degrees, career goals, and feedback about your program or instructors. You can email Michelle at mkk114@psu.edu. She is also available for appointments by request.

Tips for advising appointments

    • Please plan to be in front of a computer with internet access during the appointment. Screen-sharing is often part of advising meetings, so connecting from your phone, while driving, etc. might not be helpful. Please be ready to take notes during the meeting.
    • Don’t wait to schedule your appointment until the last minute. The beginning and end of each semester are a busy time for your advisers and time slots can fill up quickly during those periods.
    • You don’t have to wait until you have a problem to meet with your adviser. It’s okay to schedule a “general check-in” where we can discuss program planning for future semesters and make sure you have time to answer all of your questions.