How to drop a class

Important note: if you are utilizing federal financial aid, contact the Financial Aid Office first before dropping a class to make sure your eligibility will not be impacted.

Please read this first:

1) If the semester has begun but you have not participated in the course(s) you wish to drop, please contact Molly Margolis at to inquire about a “course cancellation” instead of a drop class action.

2) If the semester has begun and you are only enrolled in one class, you cannot drop that class using the below process. You must request a “withdrawal” instead. Likewise, if you wish to drop all of your currently enrolled classes (zero out your schedule) and the semester has already started, you must withdraw. Click here to access details about requesting a withdrawal.

Dropping a class

If the semester has not yet begun, OR

If the semester has begun AND you wish to drop some, but not all, of your classes AND you have participated in the course(s), please continue with the below steps.

Optional: Download these instructions as a PDF (1 MB) including screenshots.

    1. Log into LionPATH using your Penn State Access Account information. If you have forgotten your Penn State account info, it can be recovered here.
    2. Navigate to your LionPATH Student Home Base, or Student Center.
    3. Click on “Enrollment” from the right-hand menu.
    4. On the next page, select “Drop Classes.”
    5. Select the semester for which you wish to drop classes.
    6. Click the checkbox next to the class or classes that you wish to drop and click “Drop Selected Classes.” Remember that you will NOT be able to zero out your schedule once the semester has already started.
    7. Proceed with instructions on the screen to drop the classes. You may be asked to confirm this action. Make sure you click through all the way to the end.
    8. View your class schedule to confirm that the courses were successfully dropped.

Tuition refunds

Dropping a class does not result in a tuition refund except as specified by the tuition adjustment policy during the first few weeks of the semester.

Please email Molly Margolis at for assistance if you are dropping a course you did not participate in, OR if you are experiencing personal hardship.

You can also click here to schedule an advising appointment with Molly.