Welcoming Class of 2009

charles_preston.JPGBy Preston Charles, VP Student Affairs, MBA Supply Chain Management Association, MBA Class of 2008

The SCMA held its inaugural meeting on September 6. The meeting served to welcome the class of 2009 to the Smeal SCMA and to describe the variety of career opportunities for Supply chain students upon completion of the first year of the program. Brad Updegrove, President of the SCMA, addressed the group and discussed upcoming events. The second part of the meeting consisted of the class of 2008 describing their Supply chain responsibilities and accomplishments during their internships. Smeal students had wide array of experiences. The sample of the Supply Chain internships included participation in the computer, automotive, aerospace, pharmaceutical, and transportation industries.

Preston Charles is a second year MBA student majoring in Supply Chain Management and Strategic Leadership. He serves as the acting office manager for Office of Diversity Enhancement. He is also the acting Vice President of Student Affairs for the Supply Chain Management Association.