“Meet 220” is a series of posts featuring staff of the Smeal Professional Graduate Programs. “220” refers to the suite of offices within the Business Building where the team is housed.
Dr. Brian Cameron, PhD. Associate Dean, Professional Graduate Programs
What’s your role with the Smeal PGP office?
I lead the design, development, and management of the evolving portfolio of professional masters programs and graduate certificates within the Smeal College of Business.
What did you do prior to coming to Smeal?
I was the Executive Director of the Center for Enterprise Architecture and the Program Director for the Online Professional Masters in Enterprise Architecture in the College of Information Sciences and Technology at Penn State. I founded the Center for Enterprise Architecture and designed and developed the Online Professional Masters in Enterprise Architecture.
What’s your favorite thing about your role?
This is very much like starting a new business and no two days are the same. We are building an integrated portfolio of programs that will make a long-term positive impact on the Smeal College of Business. I have my MBA from Smeal and am very happy to be able to contribute to the enhanced competitive position of the College.
What’s the most interesting thing about you that we wouldn’t learn from your resume alone?
I once flew around to globe one and a half times in a two week period.
If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be and why?
Captain Picard from Star Trek – he was able to defeat the Borg – I think we all need a little of the “resistance is not futile” mindset at times, especially when attempting to effect organizational change.