Module 5 Finals Week

By Scott Robbins, MBA Class of 2015

Finals Week for 2nd Year MBAs. It is hard to believe, but the first module of courses for the year will be finished this week. The module will conclude with a three day period designated for final exams. This examination period is quite different for many second year students than students in the first year of the program, however. This is for a few reasons, but mainly because the concentration elective courses that second year MBAs are mainly taking choose alternative examinations than a single final exam.

Most classes in the first year of the program end with a traditional final exam that cover the information and concepts taught in the course over the prior seven weeks. Second year courses are less likely to give these tests. Instead they tend to utilize business case examinations or group projects as the final examination for the module. These evaluations are more interesting than typical tests and force students to work in a team and directly apply the concepts they have learned to find a solution to a business problem. Many times, the cases students are given are problems that real-world companies have encountered in the past. The Business-to-Business Marketing course concludes with a case study such as this. Possibly the most interesting part is when teams present their solutions to the class and everybody can see the variety of perspectives used to solve the problem. Continue reading


By Naveen Raj, MBA Class of 2016

I can’t believe that I am preparing for final exams just two months after joining the MBA program. The first two months have passed in a flash and the first module will be over in a week.

We have two modules per semester, five courses in the first module, and eight classes of two hours each in a week during the first module. Two hours may sound Continue reading

How can a MBA program differentiate you from other master programs?

By Masoud Ghayoumi, MBA Class of 2014

One of the main reasons for which people want their MBA is to raise their salary by either: changing careers, changing companies, getting a better position or working globally. The biggest question is how? How can a MBA program differentiate you from other master programs?  To me, “putting theories into practice” is one of those differentiating factors.  In fact, with four years of experience and a master of Industrial Engineering, I wanted a program that would help me put theories I’ve learned and all Continue reading

Module Two Finals Week

By Scott Robbins, MBA Class of 2015

Whether a student has been out of school for 5 years or coming directly from undergrad, one concern they will have is how grades are given in the MBA program. More specifically, they might wonder what final examinations are like, how difficult they are, and how to succeed on them. Although each class is technically different, and it is up to professors to create their own grading structure. However, there are similarities that are seen across most first-year courses. Having just finished Module 2 finals week, I will share some insight into what to expect for MBA finals. Continue reading

MBA pressure comes with fun sometimes!

By Monira Linda, MBA Class of 2014

Yes, I agree that the MBA program adds some pressure and stress on your life, but guess what? This pressure also brings fun! I enjoyed my second mod while trying to survive throughout the 7 weeks. The assignment I most enjoyed was the management assignment where teams were to analyze a movie, “Dead Poet’s Society” and apply philosophies learned in class. Wow! Ice cream, chips, apple juice and watching the movie with teammates, which is a required part of your course, was so much fun! We Continue reading

The New Mod

By Mike Bassani, MBA Class of 2014

My name is Mike Bassani and I’m a first year MBA student majoring in Supply Chain Management and Finance here at Smeal. Prior to coming here I spent 5 years with a Fortune 50 company running the Financial Services Division for the Canadian division of the Enterprise. Coming to State College was a big shock after living in the city my whole life but i can honestly say through 3 months it’s a great place to go to school. Continue reading

An Interesting Course

Have you ever imagined developing and selling a product? Have you ever thought of patenting your product? Have you ever hoped that somebody could actually guide you throughout the whole process? No matter if the answer is “yes” or “no,” the New Product Development course could be one that helps you on such an adventure.
I took this course, offered in Mod VI, and it turned out to be an interesting experience. Continue reading

Reflections on the Module III and IV

By Winston Tang, MBA Class of 2011

“Module III & IV will be over in a few days, so, what is the most memorable thing from the modules?” This is what I asked myself while scenes of the exciting events flashed in my brain.

Suddenly, two words jumped into my head, and it seemed that these two words would perfectly summarize our academic life in Module IV. These two words are “teamwork” and “presentation”.  We had team presentations and team papers for every course during Module III and IV, as assignments and as final exams. We are going to have Executive Panel this week, which also requires team collaboration in writing and Continue reading

APEX experience

By Eric Zhang, MBA Class of 2010

APEX stands for the Applied Professional Experience (APEX) Program, which is a new course designed to give Smeal MBA students real working experience. Four or five students form a team and work with a company on a specific project. The companies this year represented a wide spectrum of industries, ranging from an insurance company to a brewery. It is a fun and challenging experience! Continue reading