Staff Advisory Committee
What is SAC?
The Smeal Staff Advisory Committee (SAC) is made up of seven staff representatives elected by the Smeal staff.
This group was formed to create and maintain an active and open line of communication with the Smeal College deans and to provide a forum through which staff members in the Smeal College can present and discuss issues and make recommendations.
Our meetings will be held once a month. Additional meetings will be called if necessary.
Nominations for new committee members will be solicited by the end of May. Voting for new committee members will take place by the end of June. New SAC members begin their term July 1 of each year. All full-time staff who have been with the college for a minimum of one year are eligible to run for election. Staff may remove themselves from the ballot each year.
We need and welcome your thoughts, concerns or suggestions. We look forward to hearing from you by means of the SAC Idea Central or via email at All suggestions and concerns will be discussed at our monthly meetings. If you prefer, you may contact SAC committee members individually. All requests for anonymity will be honored and maintaining confidentiality is key to our continued success.
Providing your name when you make a comment or suggestion adds credibility to the issue, as well as allowing us to contact you with questions or answers.
Our Mission
The Staff Advisory Committee is the Smeal College of Business’s bridge for communication between the staff and the dean on issues dealing with staff policy, professional development, welfare, and goals. The aim of this committee is to enhance and solidify the Smeal community by strengthening the partnerships between the staff, the administration of the college and, within the staff community itself. All new initiatives developed by SAC are at the request of the dean, the staff or are in support of established strategic goals of the college. In all deliberation, SAC will consider proper methods of communication and implementation strategies that will benefit both the staff and administration.
SAC is charged to deal with issues of general interest to Smeal staff as a whole and will not address issues in connection with individual staff members.