new to 2024!

Costa Rica Embedded

Sustainability in Costa Rica: Balancing Profit and Planet in a Biodiverse Nation


Spring 2024 Second 7 Weeks: ACCTG 397 (1cr) at PSU

March 11 – April 26, 2024
Remote Asynchronous

Summer 2024: May Abroad ACCTG 399 (2cr) in Costa Rica

May 6 – May 21, 2024

Application Deadline: February 19th, 2024
Application Closed

Upcoming Information Sessions

Costa Rica Embedded Info Session

Thursday, January 18th | 5:00PM
122 Business Building 

Meet the faculty leading the Costa Rica Embedded program and get your questions answered.


Study in Costa Rica, a thriving hub for sustainability

Although it covers just 0.03 percent of the Earth’s surface, Costa Rica proudly harbors 5 percent of global biodiversity, with a quarter of its land designated as protected areas dedicated to conservation. This rich environmental tapestry has thrust Costa Rica into the spotlight for the study of business sustainability. The interplay between its diverse ecosystems and a strong commitment to sustainable practices provides an ideal setting to explore the junction of economic growth and ecological preservation. Students immersing themselves in the study of business sustainability in Costa Rica not only investigate innovative strategies for responsible business, but also witness firsthand the seamless integration of nature and commerce. With a focus on renewable energy, eco-tourism, and ethical business models, the country offers a captivating backdrop for an immersive educational experience.

Course Structure:

  • Spring Semester course at Penn State, AND
  • Summer course with travel to Costa Rica

Local activities:

Field trips and site visits have not been finalized for 2024, but possible opportunities may include:

  • Guided Walk through the Cloud Forest
  • Carbon Neutral Stuckey Farm
  • Cooking Class
  • Food Co-op
  • Volcano Brewing Company
  • Las Baulas National Marine Park
  • Free time on the beaches of Guanacaste

Travel to Costa Rica:

A flight to Costa Rica from the United States takes on average between 5-8 hours. The time zone in Costa Rica is GMT-6, two hours behind State College, so jet lag is minimal!


Studying in Costa Rica offers students a rich and immersive experience. Beyond the classroom, expect to be captivated by the country’s breathtaking natural beauty, from lush rainforests to stunning beaches, and explore the intricate balance between economic growth and environmental sustainability that defines the local business landscape. This program emphasizes interactive learning, often incorporating real-world examples of sustainability and eco-conscious practices. Cultural engagement is also central; embracing the warmth of “Ticos,” the local term for Costa Ricans, helps students develop a deeper understanding of Latin American society.


  • 18 years of age or above
  • Good academic and disciplinary standing at Penn State
  • 3.00 GPA or better at the time of the application
  • Sophomore standing or above at the time of the program
  • Open to all Penn State majors with an interest in business


the study in study abroad

Program Overview & Academics

All students on this program will be required to enroll in the following courses for a total of 3 credits:

ACCTG 397 – Spring Semester 7-week Session II (at PSU)

1 credit

March 11 – April 26, 2024

Remote Asynchronous

ACCTG 399 – Summer course in Costa Rica

2 credits

May 6 – May 21, 2024

Study abroad component, two weeks travel in Costa Rica


Sustainability in Costa Rica: Balancing Profit and Planet in a Biodiverse Nation

This course can satisfy GS, IL, Inter-Domain or general elective credit for Smeal majors.

Professors Scott Collins and Nancy McClure

Pura Vida! Costa Rica is widely recognized as a world leader for its “pure life” approach to implementing effective sustainability practices. In fact, this Central American nation was recently honored by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as a Champion of the Earth for policy leadership because of its efforts in reversing its rate of deforestation and for launching a plan to decarbonize its economy by 2050. But what has led Costa Rica to take on this role as a global environmental leader? What has been the impact of these practices on the people of this friendly and peace-loving nation? And how are ESG-related practices reported to stakeholders of the business? This course will answer these questions and will further explore the balance between employing sustainable business practices and reporting information to business stakeholders about the impact of these practices on people, profits, and the planet.

The primary objective of this course will be to discuss and directly observe topics related to the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices of a Central American nation that has established itself as a global environmental leader. A secondary objective for this course will be for students to learn about current issues related to the reporting of ESG-related activities to stakeholders of a business. Costa Rica is being chosen as the experiential learning environment for this course. Examples of questions we will cover include:
1. What is the history of sustainable business practices and environmental policies in Costa Rica?
2. What is the current state of ESG-related reporting standards?
3. How do business development and growth impact the local culture and daily life of Costa Rican
4. How can we assist local Costa Rican businesses to develop ESG-related strategic plans?


Meet Your Professors

Scott Collins

Smeal College of Business, Clinical Professor of Accounting

Professor Collins has served on the Smeal College of Business faculty since 2012. He brings a robust experience in accounting practice and teaching into his current position at Penn State.

Prior to his current position at Penn State, Collins served as a staff auditor with a multi-billion dollar CPA firm, a plant controller at a multi-billion dollar food manufacturing company, a financial controller at a pre-IPO internet startup company, and an adjunct faculty member for multiple universities.

In his current position at Penn State, Collins teaches undergraduate and graduate courses related to financial accounting, managerial accounting, and accounting information systems. In addition to his teaching duties, Collins also serves as the Director of Penn State’s One-Year Master of Accounting (MAcc) Program.

Professor Collins has a primary research interest in experimental and behavioral studies related to educational pedagogy, and he is also interested in research related to the impact of annual report complexity and sentiment on investor behavior.

Nancy McClure

Smeal College of Business, Assistant Teaching Professor of Accounting

Professor Nancy McClure has taught a broad spectrum of accounting and business courses at the Penn State University, including financial and managerial accounting, auditing, taxation, commercial banking, and business and industry analysis. She is currently the instructor for Smeal College’s capstone course, which is delivered to 1,800 students each year.

Nancy specializes in entrepreneurship with a focus on sustainability and social ventures. She was awarded Smeal College’s 2017 faculty sustainability award for the advancement of the teaching of sustainability and applied learning opportunities for students.

Nancy founded the Consurgo Initiative at Penn State, which provides Smeal students with an opportunity to develop business plans in partnership with entrepreneurs in lesser developed countries. At the conclusion of each semester, student teams present their business plans to a panel of executive judges in the Lion’s Cage, a Shark Tank type competition. The Consurgo Initiative has launched sustainable small businesses in Guatemala and Haiti.

earn 3 credits towards the

International Business Minor

The International Business Minor is an academic credential for Smeal College of Business students to demonstrate their education in international business at Penn State and globally.


Housing, Travel & Meals

Students will travel and live together around Costa Rica throughout the program.


Where You’ll Stay

Monteverde, CIEE Center – Students will live in dormitories surrounded by the Cloud Forest in double, triple, or quad rooms shared with other Penn State students. Rooms have shared or ensuite bathrooms, shared desks, and shared closets. One load of laundry is included.

Guanacaste Coast – Hotel accommodations with shared double rooms. 

Getting Around

Costa Rica offers Regional and Local buses, private shuttles, taxis, ferries, and abundant paved secondary roads for cyclists!  

Students will travel together from the Daniel Oduber International Airport to Monteverde, and again from Monteverde to the Guanacaste Coast.


Good Eats

Monteverde, CIEE Center – All students receive three meals per day, accommodation for vegan and vegetarian diets is possible.

Guanacaste Coast – Breakfast included at hotel. Students will be responsible for other meals.

Costa Rica’s food scene is a dynamic blend of indigenous, Spanish, and Afro-Caribbean influences. Staples include Gallo Pinto (rice and beans), fresh tropical fruits, and seafood due to its coastal location. Urban areas offer diverse international cuisines, making the food scene rich and varied.

Application Process and Timeline

APPLY: Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Limited spots remaining. Final deadline is February 19th, 2024 *OR* until program fills.

COMMIT: Complete a Financial Commitment Agreement to secure your spot and be enrolled in both ACCTG 397 (SP24) and ACCTG 399 (SU24). Students must take both courses.


Cost & Scholarships

There are many ways to reduce the cost of study abroad. One key strategy is to plan ahead and select a program that makes the best use of credits towards graduation requirements. Smeal International Program Advisers are available to meet with students to help them select the best program to meet their academic goals.

Click here to view the Budget Sheet for this particular program:

Penn State Global Embedded Scholarship

Effective for the fall 2023 semester and beyond, there is no application required to be considered for the Global Embedded Scholarship.  Students must confirm their travel participation with the course leader and students must enroll in the credit-bearing academic course(s) associated with the travel in order to be eligible to receive this award. 

Recipients shall be selected by the Education Abroad Scholarship Committee. The primary factor considered, in consultation with the Office of Student Aid, is the applicant’s financial need. Because of the volume of applications, awards usually go to students with the highest level of financial need as determined by the Office of Student Aid. Among those with the highest need, preference may be given to students with higher cumulative grade point averages and/or to those with no prior Penn State education abroad experience.

Smeal Embedded Study Abroad Scholarship

Smeal students are encouraged to apply!

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Applicants must be in the Smeal College of Business and have a FAFSA on file to be considered.

Access Application here

Student Engagement Network Study Abroad Grants
The Student Engagement Network offers this unique funding opportunity for students which supports the breadth of student engagement experiences in the spirit of both in-person and virtual/remote engagement experiences. Undergraduate students across the commonwealth are encouraged to apply for an SEN Grant that will support virtual, remote, and/or in-person engagement opportunities in the coming academic year.

Students may apply for either a $1000 award or a $2000 award. 

More information is available on the Student Engagement Network’s website

Penn State Office of Student Aid
Penn State students who plan to study on a Penn State approved program can use most forms of financial aid towards the cost of the program. Exceptions include work-study awards and some athletic scholarships. If you have specific questions regarding your aid awards, contact the Penn State Office of Student Aid.

Why Study in Costa Rica?

Business Sustainability

Amidst the country’s stunning natural landscapes, you’ll find a thriving business environment that blends innovation with sustainability. Immerse yourself in a unique learning experience where you can explore concepts of eco-friendly entrepreneurship, global trade, and cultural business practices. From bustling urban centers to serene coastal towns, Costa Rica’s diverse settings offer a dynamic backdrop to enrich your business education. Seize the opportunity to connect with local entrepreneurs, understand the challenges of international markets, and gain a fresh perspective on responsible business strategies.

“Pura Vida”

“Pura Vida” is a vibrant and deeply ingrained cultural expression that holds profound significance in Costa Rica. Literally translating to “pure life” in English, it encompasses a philosophy of simple, positive, and joyful living. 

This phrase encapsulates the country’s laid-back lifestyle, where people prioritize well-being, connection with nature, and genuine human interactions. It’s a reminder to appreciate life’s natural beauty, value relationships, and let go of stress or worries. Whether used as a greeting, a response to “How are you?”, or simply as an exclamation of joy, “Pura Vida” captures the heart of Costa Rican culture.

As a visitor, embracing “Pura Vida” means immersing yourself in the local way of life – it’s an invitation to slow down, savor the little things, and experience the richness of life in one of the world’s most breathtaking settings.

Quality of Life

Bask in the warmth of friendly locals, relish delectable cuisine, and unwind on picturesque beaches. Immerse yourself in a culture that values well-being and sustainability, providing you with a refreshing perspective on life. Whether you’re ziplining through rainforests, surfing along the Pacific coast, or exploring vibrant local markets, every moment is an opportunity to enhance your education with unforgettable memories while experiencing the exceptional quality of life that Costa Rica has to offer.

Have a Question?

Meet with an Adviser!


Make an appointment with a Smeal International Programs Adviser to learn more about study abroad programs, discuss academic fit, and how to apply! We offer in person advising in the Business Building (Suite 484) or virtual advising through Zoom.


(814) 865-4264
University Park, Business Building, Suite 484