September 13

Land of the Free Because of the Brave

Image result for land of the free because of the brave bumper stickerThe Sticker Shoppe

This bumper sticker is eight words long, yet through its use of rethorical devices, we already know the meaning and the beliefs that the person driving this car hold. While one my not agree with the message that is being displayed, they would know what it is saying.

This particular bumper sticker contains a very pro-military message and portrays this message both through the words and the choice of colors. The message, “Land of the Free because of the Brave” is reminiscent of our national anthem. In the national anthem it say’s in the last line, “O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.” This message also implies that without our military we would not be free, and that, objectively speaking would be true. Without a military it is possible and very plausible, that we would still be an English colony. It is also true that, had we not had such brave and strong military, the allies would have lost WW1. We also could have been taken over by the Axis Powers in WW2 without the brave soldiers that stormed the beaches of Normandy and broke the Nazi strangle hold on France.

This bumper sticker appeals to the commonplace of every American who has ever heard the national anthem, which one could assume to be the vast majority. This is a clear message about being thankful for the sacrifices so many have made for our freedom as a nation. The ideology of many people across the nation is that without our military, we would not be free and freedom is very important to most everyone in the United States, no matter your stance on political issues.

It is very effective in portraying the message that we should be thankful and appreciative of out troops, the brave as they are refered to in this bumper sticker. It, in short, shows support for our military and presents the the idea that we would be unfree without them as fact. While not able to definitively prove this claim, we do have one of the strongest militaries in the world and, since we have never been concurred because of them, it is safe to assume that without these brave individuals willing to lay down their lives for our freedom, we would be living under the tyrannical yoke of another nation.


Posted September 13, 2019 by gps5272 in category Uncategorized

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