
Anime, as medium, is typically a visual adaptation of source material or an original narrative. While source of adaptation often carries a stigma, such as anime originals dropping the ball when it comes to ending or light novels being hit or miss,  the industry is largely geared to source material adaptations.

With that being the case, the most common anime source materials are manga and light novels, the former of which is basically Japanese graphic novels while the latter being novels light on content. However, there are still times where unusual sources are used, such as with Hyouka, the adaptation of the Japanese book series “Koten-bu”.

See the source image

Hyouka focuses on a high school literature club, through which its members and their friends solve mysteries and intrigues in their lives. The show largely revolves around the characters and their interactions with each other, due to their unique personalities, and their environment, through which circumstances, both unique and mundane, occur.

Regarding the cast, the protagonist, Houtaru Oreki, in large part serves as a foil to the female lead Eru Chitanda. The former being rather lethargic and has a ‘go with the flow’ mentality.  He has a mantra, which is generally “if I don’t have to do something, I won’t, but if I have to do something, I will do it quickly.” The latter is rather airheaded and ‘curious’, following her whims and whatever she enjoys.

The interactions between these two characters and its dichotomy drives Hyouka’s plot forward in a natural and compelling way. This forms the primary genres, slice of life and mystery, although there are never and real stakes involved, nor are there ever any supernatural occurrences.

Additionally, they have two other friends,  Satoshi Fukube and Mayaka Ibara. Both are friends with Oreki and went to the same middle school together, playing off each other similarly to how Oreki and Chitanda do. Ibara specifically has been in the same class as Oreki for 9 years running.

Thematically, the show revolves around with how the characters react and interact with the conflicts in their lives, whether they stem from the mysteries or directly from themselves. Social conflicts, such as familial and interpersonal relationships, as well as societal conflicts are addressed, mostly with regards to the primary cast.

Hyouka’s source material allows the anime to take artistic liberties with regards to visuals, because for the most part, in novels, setting and actions aren’t described in excruciating detail. In fact,  the studio, Kyoto Animations, was able to create scenes like this due to the liberty.

See the source image

Hyouka is largely regarded as a great anime, with amazing visuals, characters, and plot progression. The high notes stem from interactions between characters, all the while they are able to build off of each other. The characters develop due to one another, all the while not diverging from what makes them unique.

I would highly recommend, probably top ten to twenty five ish shows. Would watch again with a friend or read the books.

9/10 it is a pretty fun time