Welcome to the Social Justice Coalition!

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In January, a group of students got together to discuss the meaning of “social justice.” The retreat was both refreshing and eye-opening to the many apparent and implicit forms of racism still present in our society today. After much enlightening debate and conversation, Chelsea Spurell (President) and Jasmine Gordon, decided we should be solution oriented and had the idea of starting a movement on campus to raise awareness and heighten sensitivity to this issue in order to birth a new way of thinking and evolve what we consider to be the ‘norm.’ Mikaila Rodgers (Vice President), Aneeta Mahan (Secretary), Melissa Creely (Treasurer) and Jamyah Cox (Public Relations) joined hands with Spurell and Gordon and with the guidance and advisory of Carlos Wiley (PRCC), we have formed The Social Justice Coalition. We hope to raise critical awareness of the multiple derivations and cultures consistent with Penn State. We strive to seek out solutions through positive deviance with the help of our fellow Penn State students in various organizations. We seek to generate conversations that have the seed of change, that may be controversial and uncomfortable but ones that will spark a change in perspective. Finally, we aim to bring the products of the above and implement tangible solutions to the Board of Trustees as Penn State to evolve our student community .

Welcome to the Social Justice Coalition!

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  1. Anonymous March 26, 2014 at 2:11 am #

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