Social Trend: Gym Life to Home Exercise

This article explores the growing trend of people choosing to exercise at home, and all of the social implications that flow on from it. We talk about the motivating reasons for people to exercise at home, instead of at a gym or outside. We also examine whether exercising at home can be effective at satisfying those motivating reaons identified by people who want to work out at home. People are…

Social Media is Constantly Changing

Social media has undergone changes this year that nobody could predict. A multitude of factors including the global pandemic, unprecedented protests and political unrest in the United States, and technological change have led to an online world that is quite different from even two years ago. In order to think through how these changes may affect social media in the future, let’s take a look at some other recent changes…

Social Bubbles and Social Circles

This is an article about how different demographics of people, with different political beliefs and class backgrounds, exist in completely different social bubbles, often not overlapping at all. It’s a really common theme in the comments on articles about politics and social justice, that echo chambers are a myth. People claim that they have diverse social circles, that they have friends and family members with different political beliefs, that they…

Inventions Spark Social Trends

In this essay, I explore a number of inventions that have caused or accelerated social trends. This includes the invention of the automobile causing all sorts of social trends, along with a few other inventions. Let’s start with the car. When the car was invented, many social trends changed. Many of them were predicted at the time. However, no-one would have imagined the huge set of industries that popped up…

Social trend: fitness

In the 19th century, hard work and physical exertion was something to be avoided if at all possible. In those early days, the only highly muscled men were "strongmen", thrown in with bearded women and sword-swallowers, in travelling circuses; a strange oddity to ogle at, to gather a crowd. But certainly not a role model or physical form to aspire to, for "normal" people. How things have changed! This article…

The state of internet privacy

Let’s talk about the state of internet privacy. According to a new report, it’s not good. We’re sharing more personal data than ever online – and it’s frequently with less protection than we think. The report from Pew Research Center says most Americans (71%) think they have lost control over how their personal data is collected and used. It also says there has been a big jump in concern about…