The Mindful Journey through Remote Work

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 more than a year ago, more employers have opted to let their employees work from home where possible. Restrictions have been relaxed in some parts of the world, but for many employers, the telecommuting option remains more viable than risking an outbreak of the virus at their company.

What will the result of this be?

We cannot help but wonder whether this will turn into a new normal for us, or if we will return to our pre-pandemic pattern of life, once all of this is over. In the former case, what about those of us who miss out on social interaction because of these restrictions? For some, work was a big part of our social contact with others. Now that it is gone, how will this affect us? According to the World Economic Forum, early studies on the mental health impacts of the pandemic have shown that up to 45% of adults noticed a negative impact on their mental health, and up to 37% were in psychological distress. Up to 70% described it to be the most stressful period of their careers. They also state that telecommuting increases the risk that employees may feel more isolated, may become more dependent on alcohol and may also smoke more than they would normally. Even the posture of workers is being affected due to sitting for extended periods.

And in the long term?

Some positives have also come to light. One Forbes author believes that employers who provide support to their employees will continue to expand on such efforts, and that mental health support (for depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses) will be embraced. Further predictions include that leadership within companies may see improvement, and there will be a more intense focus on ‘company culture’. Regarding employees, it is predicted that relationships among teammates will improve, more diversity will be allowed, and that empathy between bosses and co-workers will increase. We may even see more flexibility in working arrangements, you may feel better about your work environment, and you may even improve your knowledge of technology, as a result of the remote working trend.

What about permanent results?

One BBC source predicts that there will be many more companies who will have permanent work-from-home employees. Once companies have been forced to implement remote working arrangements, due to the pandemic, many have realized that it is more cost-effective and efficient to have employees work from home where possible. This trend, if permanent, could lead to a complete restructuring of society, because telecommuters will now be able to build their lives in more remote areas. We can look forward to new social arrangements that can be seen as more humane and efficient. Along with the benefits of this trend, there are inevitable effects of stress and anxiety, caused in part by the increased isolation inherent in remote work.

How do we cope?

Meditation and yoga have long been hailed as some of the best ways of calming the mind. Looking at recent celebrity trends, you may see that many of the rich and famous have jumped on the meditation wagon, in search of wellness and mindfulness. If you are in charge of teams, you may have noticed a difference in those you work with. Depression is just one of the conditions rearing its head in work society. To get a handle on this, many companies have been looking into meditation for employees because of the benefits such programs provide .

Meditation today

With numbers limited at in-person gatherings, and our travel movements being restricted, joining a meditation clinic is not as simple as it used to be. But in this age of technology, we have a variety of options other than physical clinics. It is as easy as doing a quick search about online meditation for workplaces. This will allow you and your team to meditate anywhere in the world. Remote employees can now be included in something that only their in-person counterparts could normally take part in. As long as an employee has the technology to connect them via the Internet, they will have meditation on hand.

The benefits for you as the leader

Some of the often-cited benefits are a calmer, more focused team, meaning you don’t have to worry about stress and panic running unchecked throughout your organization. An investment into meditation is an investment into the harmony of your company. Best of all, nobody in your office needs to know anything about meditation to get the benefits from mindfulness programs for corporations. Often programs are guided, so participants can simply relax and do what they are guided to do by the instructor. Participants will feel their bodies relax as the meditation process is followed. You’ll be amazed at what a few minutes each day can achieve. Group meditation is conducive to the feeling of unity among co-workers, because the session facilitates a shared experience that draws them closer. There is a reason why they say “teamwork makes the dream work”. Employees find it easier to work as a team when they feel a bond with their coworkers. This is the ultimate win-win situation that brings benefit to you and your team.