Why Your Business Should Prototype More


Designing and manufacturing a new product can be a long process. Many businesses try to shorten this timeline by skipping the prototyping stage and going straight into production. This can sometimes work but often results in inferior products that do not succeed. Here are the numerous benefits that prototypes have on the product design process.

Validate Your Idea

You may have a nice idea but it means nothing to investors unless you can validate it in the market. Market research based on other existing products can be useful but it is only hypothetical unless you can place your product in front of your target audience and record their feedback. Prototypes allow you to achieve this goal. You can validate market interest and prove to yourself and investors that this is a product worth developing.

Test Functionality

Manufacturing can cost a significant sum so you do not want to waste money making thousands of products that do not work right. A rapid functional prototype is created to operate exactly as your product is supposed to, allowing you to determine how well it will work in reality. Functional prototypes give you a solid idea of how your product will look, feel, and operate, allowing you to finetune it every feature.

Get Funding

It is hard enough to get the attention of investors these days, not to mention try to get funding. Without a prototype, your chances of funding for a new invention are virtually zero. Investors need proof of concept and they want to be presented with functional prototypes that they can share with key decision-makers. If your prototype is good enough to impress investors, they will inject the funds required to take your product to the shelves.

Build Confidence

Trust is a key factor in any financial transaction. When your business invests in prototypes, it shows your investors that you have reviewed and researched your product extensively. Nobody wants to invest in a brilliant idea that does not translate into a working product. Therefore, prototyping builds your credibility and increases investor confidence. It also helps potential customers trust that products will not fail after their purchase.

Involve Stakeholders

Prototyping improves your relationship with stakeholders such as investors and potential clients. Being able to provide them with functional prototypes that they can test in their own environment will bring you vital legitimate feedback and tell you which features are most important. This collaborative approach not only strengthens your relationships but also reassures them that your product is created with their needs in mind.

Stay On Track

When you design something from scratch, it can be easy to get lost in your ideas. Many product developers have a problem with scope creep, where they constantly add features to their idea resulting in ballooning R&D costs and lengthy development timelines. With prototypes, you can have a tangible roadmap to bring your vision to reality. As you sign off each prototype, you move closer and closer to an agreed-upon goal.

Estimate Resources

It can be difficult to estimate how much your new product will cost to produce. There are a myriad of associated costs such as materials, manufacturing, and packaging. Budget is an important factor in any business and a wrong estimation can result in serious financial losses. Since prototypes are so close to the final products, they can help you to gauge the cost of overall production.

The last thing you want to do is to deliver your product weeks later than you promised your investors and clients. Investing in a prototype will allow you to have a more accurate estimate of production timelines. You will have a decent idea of how long your production journey will take from sourcing materials to manufacturing to final packaging. This way, you can better time other aspects of your business such as marketing to suit.

Save Money

It may be counter-intuitive to think that prototyping will save you money, but it does. Prototyping makes the developmental process more cost-efficient because you can start gathering feedback and identifying issues in the middle of the development cycle instead of at the end. This avoids costly rebuilding scenarios. In addition, you save money by having testing and development departments working concurrently, shortening your development timeline.

Create a Better Product

Last but not least, prototyping creates better products. Prototyping offers you multiple chances to improve and refine your product. You can test different designs, materials, components, and features until you find the perfect combination that creates a distinctive and valuable item. Prototyping also allows you to leverage the essential human factor to identify risks and operational issues which cannot be replicated in any amount of theoretical testing.

Product development is a long and tedious process. Through the creation of prototypes, businesses can ensure that the products that they invent will succeed in the market. Functional prototypes are the best way for businesses to validate concepts, test functionality, attract investors, and save time and money throughout the development process.