Everyone Talks About Retiring In The Bahamas, But Have You Ever Been There


It’s not uncommon to show up at a dinner party and immediately start talking to guests about the joys of retiring to the Bahamas. But strangely enough, most people have never been.

Partly that has to do with how exclusive it is. It has one of the highest costs of living in the world, so you need to be on a decent salary for a trip to be worthwhile. But more than that, it’s quite a long way from most of the U.S. If you’re coming from the northwest, it’s more like an international flight.

If you can look past these factors, though, the trip is almost always worth it. Once you arrive, the islands treat you to beautiful surroundings, near-perfect weather, great service, and impeccable accommodation. It’s no wonder everyone wants to live out their golden years there.

But the Bahamas actually offer more than meets the eye. It’s not just for folks who’ve come to the end of their careers anymore. It’s for regular types, like us, too.

If you’re looking for a little Bahamian education, then this post is for you. In it, we discuss some of the essential things you need to know before you visit the islands. Read on to learn more.

The Bahamas Is Way Bigger Than You Think

Most people think of the Bahamas as a couple of islands somewhere in the Caribbean. But the archipelago is much bigger than you might think. There are more than 2,400 coral reefs in the area, and 700 islands, but only 30 of them are inhabited year-round. The rest are essentially nature reserves where wildlife can swarm uninhabited by human activity.

The majority of tourists head to Nassau, one of the main transport hubs. However, people also visit Paradise Island nearby, famous among storytellers. Other locations are significantly more challenging to get to, though many are accessible.

People Don’t Just Go For The Beach

While spending time on the beach lounging in the sun and enjoying the crystal-clear waters is fun, it’s not the only way to spend your time on the island. There are actually plenty of other reasons to go there, too.

For one, the party scene is excellent. The locals know how to have a good time. But then there are also cave tours, opportunities to swim with pigs, and yacht rental Bahamas-style. (Think fast-cruising catamarans).

Then there is the classic Caribbean food, if you enjoy that sort of thing. Here you can find an array of mixed meats and other delicious grub that will keep you full and happy all day.

There Are Many Police

People view the Bahamas as a luxury destination so, like its counterparts around the world, it is home to a lot of police. You’ll see their 4×4 and pickup trucks roving the streets, checking that everything is in order. Before you travel to the island chain, just make sure that you read up on all the safety advice first.

The Local Food Is Exceptional

Thanks to their unique location hundreds of miles from the mainland, the Bahamas are privy to some of the most delicious seafood in the world. In fact, it is an essential part of their culinary heritage. In the past, islanders survived on a diet that was a mixture of tropical fruits, coconuts, and local shellfish.

Because of its position close to international shipping routes, the local cuisine is an interesting mix of cultures. As you travel around the islands’ restaurants, you’ll find European, South American, and African influences. Expect dishes that feature potatoes, pulses, and plenty of pork and conch. (Conch is a large sea snail that the locals absolutely love).

If you feel a little weird eating a snail that lives in the sea, don’t worry. You can get it battered and spiced, and served with plenty of fries. If the worst comes to the worst, dip it in mayo and hope for the best.

Local People Are Professional And Relaxed

If you travel to the US, people are professional, but not relaxed. And if you go to India, people are relaxed, but not professional. But in the Bahamas, they seem to be able to do both at the same time. They dress formally compared to other Caribbean islanders, and they emphasize customer service. But they’re still able to party and have a good time.

Just be wary that locals take a dim view of wearing beach wear off the beach. If you decide to go into town, make sure that you cover up.

Christopher Columbus Was Probably The First Westerner To Discover The Bahamas

On his way to the Americas, Christopher Columbus first arrived in the Bahamas. His crew went ashore in Samana Cay or San Salvador in 1492 (nobody is quite sure which) before collecting some supplies and continuing with their onward journey.

Interestingly, the Lucayan Taino people were already there, having migrated from the Americans centuries beforehand. Unfortunately, Columbus and his crew brought diseases with them, and the people were wiped out within 25 years of his arrival. Everyone else who lives on the islands moved there in the last 500 years.

All Those People Swimming With Pigs On Instagram Do It In The Bahamas

We already mentioned the fact that you can go swimming with pigs in the Bahamas, but the idea is so great that it deserves its own section. To enjoy this unique activity, you’ll need to head to Big Major Cay, otherwise called Pig Island. Here, you can arrange to go swimming with some beautiful pigs. It’s a little unorthodox, but it’s also an experience that you’ll remember for the rest of your life.

Junkanoo Is The Bahamas’ Biggest Event

Junkanoo is held on Christmas and New Year’s day and is the best time to travel to the Bahamas. It’s a bit like a festive carnival, and something that the locals do to celebrate their lives on the island.

Just be warned: the Bahamas get busy when Junkanoo is on because everyone wants to be a part of it. Therefore, make sure that you book your accommodation well in advance.