Gnars: Ways to Improve Your Brand as a Skateboarder


As a skateboarder, you want to be known for your gnarly tricks and skills on the board. But if you want to take your skating career to the next level, you need to start thinking about your brand. What do you stand for? What makes you different from other skaters? How can you improve your image and make yourself more marketable? Here are ways that you can improve your brand as a skateboarder and take your skating career to new heights!

Skateboarders are extreme athletes. And like all athletes, they have to brand themselves and put themselves out there in order to be successful. It’s not enough to just be good at skating; you have to be marketable and have a brand that people can rally behind.

Gami, Founder of Gnars, says extreme athletes embody the ideas of people, places and things. “It’s the people that are part of our community, the places that we discover together and that inspire us, and it’s the things that we create together. It’s what empowers a community.”

If you’re serious about taking your skateboarding career to the next level, there are some ways you can improve your brand as a skateboarder.

Your Skateboarding Brand

First, you need to have a strong social media presence. In today’s day and age, social media is everything. You need to be active on all the major platforms and be constantly putting out content that is not only skateboarding-related, but also interesting and engaging. You need to show your personality and let people get to know you as a person, not just a skater.

Second, you need to be involved in the community. Go to local skate parks, events and competitions. Get to know other skaters and build relationships. The more people you know, the more likely they are to support you and your career.

Third, you need to be unique. There’s a lot of competition out there, so you need to find ways to stand out from the rest. Whether it’s your style of skating, your personality or the way you market yourself, you need to find ways to make yourself different and memorable.

Using Tech To Help

Gnars is becoming an increasingly important part of helping skateboarders get their personal brand to take off. The idea of Gnars is primarily to help fund extreme athletes. Unlike mainstream sports, getting funding as an extreme athlete can be a lot tougher. Gnars uses the Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum is a type of open source blockchain, and Ether is the cryptocurrency that is native to the platform. Ether is one of the most popular forms of cryptocurrency in the world, and many say it is second only to Bitcoin. Gnars offers a unique way for people to invest in a community of extreme athletes while using some of the most forward thinking innovations available in technology.

Once funds have been generated through Gnars, extreme athletes can access this to fund things that are important for their career. This includes things such as expenses to participate in competitions. Being visible in competitions is vital for the brand and career prospects of extreme athletes such as skateboarders. As well as helping to put extreme athletes on a bigger stage, Gnars is also helping to increase the level of professionalism that they can enjoy.

For example, being able to access funding to have a manager or coach can make a big difference. Managers and coaches can help with things such as media training, managing sponsorships and handling funds in a more responsible way. This allows extreme athletes to focus on what they do best, which is skating, and not have to worry about the other aspects of their career. Even if skateboarders aren’t at this point in their careers yet, this can be part of their career trajectory by being out there participating in competitions and being an active part of the extreme athlete community.

Standalone Superstars

Gnars is a great example of how technology can be used to benefit a niche group of people. The company is providing a much-needed service to extreme athletes and is using some of the most innovative technology available to do so. Gnars also feels strongly about distancing extreme athletes from energy drinks and other products like this, that have become known for funding extreme sports. Gnars wants extreme athletes – including skateboarders, BMX riders and snowboarders – to become known for their skills in their own right, and not an extension of an energy drink brand. This is also an important aspect to secure the longevity of these extreme sports, and to gain increasing recognition for the skills of the extreme sports people involved.

Gnars is a company that is well worth supporting, whether you’re an extreme athlete yourself or someone who wants to invest in the future of these sports. The company is providing a much-needed service to extreme athletes and is using some of the most innovative technology available to do so. And if you’re looking to take your skateboarding career to the next level, make sure you start thinking about your brand and how you can make yourself stand out from the rest. Be active on social media and engage with your followers and others in the community. Get involved in the community as much as you can and be part of as many competitions as you can too – remember that Gnars can help. And craft your own unique brand along the way to set yourself apart from the rest.

Visit the Gnars website to find out more about this forward thinking company that is championing the world of extreme sports.