Ways To Feel More Confident About Your Body


Studies show that over 60% of over-18s in the US experience negative body image. We all have days when we don’t feel confident when we’re getting ready or trying clothes on, but for some people, a lack of confidence is a chronic problem. In this guide, we’ll outline some simple ways you can feel more confident about your body.

Prioritize health and well-being

As a society, we have come to think of ourselves as objects of beauty for others to judge due to the popularity of social media and the rise of reality TV and celebrity culture. While it’s incredibly uplifting to feel like you look great, it’s important to understand that looking a certain way doesn’t always make you healthy and happy. Many people think that losing weight will make them happier and more attractive, but being too thin or getting carried away with controlling eating or exercise habits can be harmful. Try to remember that your body needs to function properly and be proactive in looking after yourself. Prioritize health and well-being. Exercise regularly, eat a nutritious, balanced diet, make sure you get enough sleep, stay hydrated and try to avoid smoking and drinking too much alcohol. Manage stress and take good care of your mental health. You should find that making these changes makes you appreciate your body more while boosting your health.

Change the way you use social media

We often think that social media is a risk factor for negative body image. In many cases, this is true, particularly if you find yourself scrolling for hours and you compare yourself to edited, enhanced images. There is another side to social media, however. Social media platforms can be a force for good, spreading body positivity and helping those who lack confidence to change the way they view their bodies. If social media makes you feel inadequate or unattractive, limit consumption or make changes to your settings and searches. Start following accounts that promote body positivity and provide an authentic insight into what human bodies look like and how they function. Very few people fit within the ideals set out in Hollywood or glossy magazine campaigns. If you don’t have a supermodel physique it doesn’t mean that you’re not beautiful or that you can’t be happy or successful. Try to change the narrative and block accounts or hashtags that impact your confidence negatively.

Address issues that affect your confidence

Most people have hang-ups about their bodies. If there are issues that affect your confidence, there are usually two choices. You can learn to live with so-called imperfections or you can address them. This might mean trying to exercise more to get rid of cankles or tone up your tummy, or it may involve going to a cosmetic dentist and finding out more about adult braces or tooth whitening. It may mean trying to build muscle or thinking about having surgery to straighten your nose. If you do want to tackle issues that are holding you back, seek professional advice and make sure you only consider radical steps like undergoing cosmetic treatment because you want to. You should never feel pressured to change or modify your body because of what other people think or say.

Treat yourself kindly

Have you ever thought about how you treat yourself in comparison with your friends, roommates or siblings? Most of us gush about our friends, we tell them they look amazing and we reassure them when they’re not feeling confident. We often act as a cheerleader for others, but it’s rare to take on this role when we’re the ones questioning how we look. All of us will be familiar with standing in front of a mirror or looking at photographs and giving ourselves a hard time because we don’t like what we see. Treat yourself kindly. Tread gently. Don’t put yourself down.

Concentrate on the positives

There are very few people in the world that love everything about their bodies. Even the models we see on the catwalk and A-list stars on the red carpet experience confidence issues. Rather than zoning in on imperfections or flaws, concentrate on the positives. What do you love about your body? Our flaws often make us unique, and sometimes, they are the characteristics or features that other people love most about us.

Understand that you are more than your body

In the age of social media, it can be difficult to separate beauty and body image from success. In reality, you are much more than your body and there are many other ways to be beautiful than having a body that is a certain size or shape. Health, success and happiness can be achieved without having a perfect body. Think about the relationships you have with others and what you mean to them, what you bring to your studies or your job and how you make people around you feel, for example.

Build a supportive, positive social circle

Our relationships have a significant impact on how we feel about ourselves. Some people may lift us and make us feel amazing while others can bring us down. Try to build a supportive, positive social circle. Surround yourself with people who genuinely care about you and make you feel good. Limit contact with those who make you feel worthless or unhappy. It’s often better to have a small, tight circle than lots of friends that you don’t have a close bond with. There’s nothing wrong with drifting apart if a friendship doesn’t feel right.

Most people experience body confidence issues. It’s not always easy to build confidence and feel happier and more comfortable in your own skin, but it is possible. Look after your body and mind, focus on your health and well-being and change the way you use social media. Concentrate on the positives and if you can’t accept flaws, explore ways to address them. Understand that you are more than your body and build a strong, supportive social circle. Be kinder to yourself and try to avoid making comparisons with others.