How to Find a New Hobby


Actively maintaining a hobby provides a host of benefits, from improved health and sleep to a greater sense of purpose and happiness. Having a hobby provides balance, and whether you are seeking a work-life balance as you continue to work from home or deal with the general realities of pandemic living, a hobby can be a welcomed respite. You know you need a hobby, or maybe you want a hobby, but how do you find one? Find out what you need to know about landing the perfect hobby and how to easily find the right activity for your personality and lifestyle.

Understanding a Hobby

A hobby is an activity you enjoy that you can work on in your free time. Hobbies take many forms and cover a diverse range of topics. Everything from photography to training dogs to hiking or collecting can be a hobby. Anything that brings you joy and that you are excited to participate in or talk about or learn more about will make an excellent hobby. Finding fulfillment with a hobby can improve problem-solving skills and help in other areas of your life.

Children are taught to pick up new hobbies all the time, from playing sports, learning an instrument, or joining different clubs, but finding a new hobby as an adult can be challenging.

What Do You Like

Think about what you like to do and what you would do if you had unlimited free time. Have you always wanted to learn more about a process, craft, or historical event? Researching something you are naturally interested in may lead you to your ideal hobby. A fascination in fashion may lead to creating your own clothing, a curiosity about airplanes could help you arrive at building models, or an interest in sports could mean finding the best betting sites. Things you know you like may point you in the right direction and help you discover your next hobby.

Everything Old is New Again

Revisit old hobbies to find out if they still do it for you. Maybe you used to do something that you really enjoyed, but you moved or changed jobs or experienced some kind of change that meant you just did not have the time or ability to participate anymore. Life gets in the way all the time, and maybe it is time to return to a past hobby to find out if it still feeds your passion.

Ask Around

Outside perspectives can help you identify interests you may not have even realized you had or introduce new ideas and concepts that you may not have considered. Check with friends and family members and ask for their input. The people who know you better than anyone else may realize your hidden interests or passions and set you off in a whole new direction that will help you find the perfect activity.

Give It a Try

Every idea is not a success right away, so when you think you might have found the right hobby, make sure to give it some time. You may need some practice to hone your skills, but that is part of the fun. While you want to make sure you have given it your all, it is also essential to know when to walk away. Maybe you thought you were really interested in painting, but once you gave it a try, it felt like more of a chore than a creative outlet. That is fine and bound to happen. Enjoy the journey and move on if a hobby is not working out.

Step Away From the Screen

Time, or rather not enough time, is a significant issue for many would-be hobbyists. You know the benefits and want to pick up a hobby, but when can you fit it in? You likely have enough time in your schedule, but it is a matter of finding your availability. Look at how you spend your time each day and look for things that are not necessary or do not bring your joy. Many people spend hours each day flipping through the TV or scrolling on their phones, and this can be a treasure trove of time that you can reallocate to a hobby.

Find Your Passion

Work-life balance has always been important, but the upheaval caused by the Coronavirus pandemic has caused many people to re-examine how they spend their time and what they want to do with their lives in just about every aspect. A hobby is a great way to temporarily distract yourself from responsibilities or stress. Completing an activity that you genuinely enjoy can help you find peace and be the best version of yourself. Finding a new hobby is a great way to use your time in a meaningful and constructive manner and help you enjoy a work-life balance.