my downFALL

Almost 11 weeks into the semester and I’m already down to $152 in meal points. Yes, I know this is bad. I am a little bit concerned too, but I will be fine… Really. I mean I’ve done the calculations and it works out to about $25/ week and $3.60/day per meals… and yeah, I’m kind of screwed. So how did this happen? How have I gotten to the point where I barely afford one meal per day?? I really don’t know but I’m going to try to do a bit of analysis into my bizarre spending habits.

Jamba Juice

I love Jamba Juice and it’s pretty pricey, but health is wealth, amirite??? So by spending money on Jamba Juice I’m really investing in my immune system, therefore decreasing the cost of my future medical bills. Therefore, Jamba a couple times a week can be somewhat justified. Moreover, I honestly feel like I have to get myself Jamba Juice to cleanse my system of all the greasy dining hall food that I consume. It’s a vicious cycle: I need to eat food but then I go straight to Jamba to “cleanse”. Jamba has been my kryptonite. However, there could be worse things I could be addicted to, like caffeine or cocaine, so I guess that my situation could be astronomically worse. What’s not good is the fact that Jamba Juice has eaten up so many of my meal points. RIP Jamba, see you next semester :,(

Late Night

I don’t need four meals a day. It’s unnecessary, yet somehow I find myself at Late Night several times a week, filling my to-go box with more food than I could ever consume. Why? I don’t know. I’m not even hungry enough to be eating four meals a day, but somehow it’s just so tempting.

But wait, there is a shimmer of hope…

I have an untapped supply of microwaveable rice and soup in my dorm courtesy of my wonderful, kind mother. I’ve done more calculations and this supply of rice/ soup should be about 2 weeks worth of lunch and dinner so good news: I will not starve!!! 🙂 However, money is tight. If you see me at Redifer in anguish over the price of avocado toast at Off the Ground, you will know why.

I need your advice. How should I deal with my meal point/ food crisis?`


What should I do?

Meditate and picture myself eating food
Busk on College Ave for $$$
Donate my own plasma (estimated revenue $70/week)
Live off of the kindness of others
Call my mom

Survey maker


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