An elegant way to estimate the maximum of a discrete uniform distribution that Alberto Rojo mentioned in our last visit.
The method is well explained in this wikipedia article.
Department of Physics and Materials Research Institute
An elegant way to estimate the maximum of a discrete uniform distribution that Alberto Rojo mentioned in our last visit.
The method is well explained in this wikipedia article.
(Thank you Alberto Rojo for sharing this.)
Peeling and orange as shown on this picture:
the result is an Euler Spiral.
Instead of using powers of the basis to write a number, this system use their factorial!
For example:
$$463_{10}=3\times 5!+4\times 4!+1\times 3!+0\times 2!+1\times 1!+0\times 0!$$
Fun things about these are that
For more see factorial number system wikipedia page.
A curious result
\lim_{x\to +\infty} \frac{\Pi(x) \ln(x)}{x}=1
where \(\Pi(x)\) is the number of primes not greater than \(x\).
Can be found here.