The 7-Pillars of Self Care


The 7 Pillars of Self-Care and How To Use Them - The Blissful Mind

Everybody needs to engage in self care, but sometimes, it can feel like another thing that we have to add to our to-do list. And even though everyone needs it, not everyone knows exactly how to make it happen. 

There’s a lot of information out there about self care, and research that I’ve done specifically for this blog has taught me that. In order to better recognize what needs work in your life instead of trying to do everything, look at self care in terms of seven pillars; mental, emotional, physical, environmental, spiritual, recreational, and social. 

Seven pillars might seem like a lot, but you don’t need to focus on finding a perfect balance between them all. Instead, it might actually be more beneficial to focus on one area for a day, a week, maybe even a month and when you’re ready, you can focus on others. But what’s most important is noticing which one area needs the most attention so that when you’re finished, you are able to be the most calm, cool, and collected version of yourself. So with that being said, let me shortly summarize some of the seven specific pillars, how they can help, and different ways to engage in them!

One of the pillars is mental self care, which is all about creating a healthy mindset through mindfulness and curiosity. Mental self-care is so important for developing a healthier mindset, growing upon skills, and enhancing your knowledge and creativity. Some ideas to engage in mental self care would be through meditation, journaling, trying something new, or even taking a social media break (which I personally feel the need to try). 

Another pillar, and probably my favorite, is emotional self care. This pillar involves taking care of your heart by using healthy coping strategies and showing love to yourself. Emotional self care is my kryptonite because I feel like I am able to better understand myself and develop healthy emotional responses when I engage in it. So ideas to participate in this would be to write down positive affirmations, listen to your favorite music, and simply ask for help when you feel like you need it. 

The last pillar that I’ll be addressing is environmental self care. This involves prioritizing the spaces around you. Taking care of your immediate environment will allow you to thrive, feel a sense of belonging where you are, and feel better about the areas that you reside in. Engaging in this pillar can look like decluttering your spaces, arranging and organizing your spaces, or even just going for a walk and exploring somewhere new. 

If I could, I would love to drive deeper into all seven of the different pillars, but for now, my hope is that whoever reading this now at least has a better understanding of how to care for themselves, depending on what they need. Everyone is going through something different and needs to care for themselves accordingly, so remember to always prioritize yourself!


One thought on “The 7-Pillars of Self Care

  1. Karis Blagden says:

    The concept of several self-care pillars upholding a healthy person is really interesting to consider. I love that it implies that with even one pillar missing, we may crumble. This shows the importance of all aspects of self-care, from physical and emotional to less well-known recreational and social. You did a beautiful job of explaining this image, and I love your last line reminding readers to prioritize themselves.

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