Dealing with Anxiety

Recently, I’ve been worried about a lot. I’ve been questioning my major, worried about doing well enough, worried about the judgment of others, and especially concerned about the fact with why I’m here. It can be especially difficult when it seems that everyone else around you has it all figured out, even if they don’t, but it can cause you to question every aspect about yourself. 

I’ve dealt with anxiety for the majority of my life but since I’ve grown, I’ve been able to recognize my feelings, and switch them to focus on better and more productive tasks. At first, this seemed like a fleeting mission for me and it seemed so much more simple to let myself become consumed with these overwhelming thoughts and emotions. Now, I understand that there are right and wrong ways to deal with how I’m feeling and ways to make it better. There are three things that help me the most when dealing with my anxiety: music, affirmations, and reflection. Below, I’ll go into a little more depth about what they are and how they help me. 

  1. I’ve found that music has more of an effect on my mood than anything else in this world. Making a playlist that makes you feel powerful, motivated, or even just happier can be extremely helpful with making you feel less worried and helping your body to de-stress.
  2. Affirmations are something that I’ve been using more recently. For those who don’t know, affirmations are present tense statements that make you feel motivated and more positive. Words and thoughts have power. When you repeat them often, they can, in various ways, affect and make positive changes in your environment. 
  3. Using reflection and gratitude is another way to help with anxiety. I like to reflect on my day and recall a couple of things that I am grateful for that happened. It can be much easier to count your losses than your wins when you’re anxious, so celebrating the good and changing your mindset can have a really powerful effect on your mood.


Panic attacks and anxiety can be really scary. Mainly because your mind makes it seem as if you are losing control over your environment, body, and surroundings, and that can be extremely difficult to deal with. It can be even more difficult to remind yourself that everything is going to work out because in that moment, it doesn’t feel like it. So if nothing else, if you’re feeling anxious, put on your favorite music, take some deep breaths, and focus on yourself for a little while. 

Everything you’re feeling is completely valid.

Stay safe. Stay well. Stay happy. 🙂

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