When Kids Become Killers

Children- so innocent and pure, right? Nope. Not all. Here are a few famous cases where children chose violence.

Michael Hernandez

Florida middle school killer dies in prison at 31

At 14 years old, Hernandez was convicted of the murder of his best friend Jaime Gough. His goal was initially to murder Gough and another classmate of his by luring them into a school bathroom, but the other friend didn’t bite. Gough unfortunately followed his friend and his body was found later that day. After investigation, police found extensive plans by Hernandez to kill other students at school and Hernandez himself said he was aspiring to be among the most famous killers of all time.

Craig Price

Craig Price | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers

One of the youngest serial killers out there, Price violently killed his first victim, a neighborhood girl, at a mere 13 years old. He would go on to murder three more individuals before he even turned 16. Price stabbed all of his victims to death and crushed one’s skull. He has been in prison since and has had his sentence extended after stabbing a fellow inmate.

Mary Bell

Evil Born' Mary Bell An Eleven Years Old Serial Killer - Where Is She Now?

One of the most famous child killers in British history, Bell killed two boys. The first, a four year old boy, Bell strangled in an abandoned house. Despite bragging about having committed the murder, people didn’t believe her. Two months later, she and a friend strangled a three year old and proceeded to mutilate his body, carving the letter ‘M’ into his stomach. She was barely 11 years old. Bell had an incredibly difficult upbringing laden with sexual and physical abuse and a neglectful prostitute mother. Before her first murder, Bell was involved in multiple violent incidents, like an ‘accidental’ young boy’s fall that resulted in severe injuries, and the attempt to choke at least three other young girls. Bell ultimately gave herself away accidentally after the second murder, was found mentally incapable of standing trial and was put through intense rehabilitation. Released a decade later, she now has a daughter and is living in anonymity.

Amardeep Sada

Know the terrifying real life stories of child serial killers mentioned in Forensic

The youngest serial killer to date, Sada was a mere eight years old when he murdered three infants: the first, his eight-month old sister, then his six-month old cousin and finally his neighbor’s six-month old child. Sada showed no remorse for any of his actions and couldn’t seem to comprehend the severity of what he had done. He was put in a children’s home until he turned 18 years old, but nobody knows what has happened to him since.

Those are the four that I’ve chosen to highlight today, but disturbingly, the list of young serial killers does not end here. To my surprise, from what I found when researching, none of these children aside from Mary Bell had abnormal, abusive upbringings. While an abusive upbringing doesn’t justify killing, it can at least shed a bit of understanding as to why violence came so easily. Regardless, it’s shocking to think of children committing such horrific acts with no remorse.

Well, that’s the end of these Thursday morning uplifting blog posts. Sleep easy everybody:)


8 Youngest Serial Killers in History




Cecil Hotel

640 S Main St, Los Angeles, CA 90014- The address of the Cecil Hotel, a building with a grisly history ranging from countless suicides and unexplained deaths to the harboring of multiple notorious serial killers. In 2013, the discovery of 21-year old Elisa Lam’s body in a rooftop water tank would only further contribute to the hotel’s chilling history, and her mysterious death would be scrutinized by millions across the world. 

Elisa Lam was a Canadian student visiting the United States in 2013. Alone at 21-years old, she stayed at the infamous Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles. Lam checked in on January 26th, but was switched to a private room after complaints from her roommates of strange behavior. Lam was last seen on January 31st. As she was traveling alone, she had promised her parents that she would check in daily to assure them of her wellbeing, so when she did not touch base with them on the 31st, they feared something was up and eventually contacted the Los Angeles police. After searching the hotel, Lam was nowhere to be found. Then came some eerie elevator footage showing the last view of Lam before she disappeared.

This footage has tens of millions of views as individuals across the world have tried to unpack her strange behavior. If you watch the video, it shows Lam stepping into the elevator and pressing all of the buttons. The doors remain open (likely because she pressed the open door button among the others). Initially she just stands in the elevator, but then darts her head out one point checking both ways before drawing back into the elevator and pressing herself into a corner. Eventually she steps out of the elevator entirely, makes inexplicable gestures with her hands before going back in once more and then exiting for good.

Heads up, this video freaked me out. If it might keep you up at night just roll with my description of it:)


Two weeks after the elevator footage surface was made public, a maintenance worker found Lam’s body floating in a hotel water tank. It is said that he was responding to guest complaints of low water pressure and abnormal-tasting water. She was found undressed, but with the same clothes she had on in the elevator video in the tank with her; there is nothing to explain how she ended up in that tank. According to hotel staff, it is extremely unlikely that Lam would have been able to access the water tanks as roof entry was restricted to employees and there were alarms in place that should have notified the hotel. There is no evidence of foul play, however, and her autopsy report concluded that she had died by drowning. People, however, continue to be perplexed by shortcomings of explanations offered. For example, if she was killed, why were no prints or DNA? But if she simply ended up there herself, what are the odds that she could get through security, climb the tank, lift the heavy lid and then get inside?

So, in the end, there is no complete answer. The most widely accepted understanding of her death attributes the tragic situation to Lam’s mental health struggles. Lam had diagnosed bipolar disorder and many speculate that she had fallen off her medication. If this were the case, it may explain Lam’s strange behavior that her roommates noted early on as well as what can be understood by her body language as hallucinations in the elevator footage. Nonetheless, there are still many questions that will likely never be answered and inconsistencies that will never see explanations. May Elisa Lam rest in peace.


If you’re interested in an explanation of her body language this video was super interesting and made a lotttt of sense.



Killer Clown

Last week, I wrote about Harold Shipman, a doctor who deeply abused his title and profession to murder hundreds of patients. On a similar thread this week, I will be looking into John Wayne Gacy, the upstanding community member who was able to hide behind his reputation for years.

John Wayne Gacy, born 1942 in Chicago, Illinois, grew up in a blue-collar family. His father was an abusive alcoholic, but Gacy was close to his mother and siblings. He dropped out of high school before completing his senior year and moved West looking for employment. He eventually enrolled in Northwestern Business College and graduated in 1963 becoming a management trainee with a shoe company. In 1964, he was transferred back to Illinois in Springfield where he met his wife and married her later that year. Gacy went on to become an active member in the local community, getting involved in political activism and even went on to become vice-president of the Jaycees (organization in Springfield) by 1965. In 1975, Gacy began dressing as a clown for charity events as part of the Jolly Joker clown club, and named his alter ego “Pogo the Clown”. Gacy’s political involvement would gain him clearance by the Secret Service, and he would even meet the first lady, Rosalynne Carter at a 1978 private reception.

Gacy was convicted of sexual assaulting two teenage boys in 1968 and given a 10 year prison sentence, however, within a short couple years, was released on parole. The following year, he was arrested when accused yet again of sexual assaulting a teenage boy, but this time the charges were dropped when the boy failed to appear in trial. Over the next few years, he would be accused two more times of rape and questioned by police about mysterious disappearances, but somehow it led nowhere. All the accusations thrown his way never seemed to be looked into all that seriously; nobody in the community believed that this upstanding citizen- I mean he dressed up as a clown to entertain children for goodness sakes, how much more wholesome could he get- could possibly be the capable of the ghastly crimes that would eventually surface.

For a span of about 6 years in the mid 1970s, Gacy committed most of his murders, manipulating his young victims into handcuffs under the promise of a “magic trick” before sexually assaulting, torturing and ultimately strangling them. He buried some of their bodies in the crawlspace beneath his house and threw others into the nearby river. It wasn’t until 1978, with the disappearance of 15 year-old Robert Piest, that Gacy would be turned on as a legitimate suspect. Piest was last seen with his mother dropping him off at a drugstore before heading out to meet Gacy for a potential construction job. This finally led to an in-depth investigation that linked Gacy to numerous crimes, including murder. After combing through his house, officials finally found a trapdoor leading to the crawlspace beneath Gacy’s house, in which they found several trenches filled with human remains. With no where to hide from the evidence, Gacy confessed to the murders of about 30 people.

In trial, Gacy tried to plead insanity, but was ultimately found guilty by jury and executed at the age of 51 in 1994. His last words were supposedly “Kiss my ass”.

Gacy’s crimes were as gruesome as they come, yet people just didn’t seem to believe he could be capable of such horrific crimes, allowing him to evade suspicion and capture. Years later in conversing with detectives, Gacy himself chillingly remarked,“Clowns can get away with murder.”





Issue Brief Outline/Draft

Working Title:

Causing more Harm than Good: Reforming PA’s “Hold Harmless” to Address School Funding Inequity


A common fault across various institutions in the United States is the prevalence of systems that disproportionally benefit the wealthy while keeping the less privileged in a disadvantaged position. A Pennsylvania education policy enacted in 1992 presents a prime example of such a practice. Pennsylvania’s “Hold Harmless” policy was adopted with the intention of preventing schools from falling into economic collapse because of changing enrollment rates. The policy is a funding mechanism holding that no school district will receive less funding than it did the previous year. This policy has the positive effect of ensuring that school districts with declining populations still receive well-funded educations. In reality, however, “Hold Harmless” has only served to perpetuate the massive underfunding of growing school districts.

The underlying issue of this policy is the manner in which school populations are shifting. If school district funding can only remain fixed or be increased, then districts with declining student enrollment most directly benefit as there is more money in circulation for fewer students. The districts seeing reduced enrollment, which are largely already wealthy and developed, end up receiving increased funding each year despite having lost almost a fifth of their student body since the early 1990s. On the contrary, other regional school districts with high populations of minority students living closer to the poverty line have generally failed to receive increased funding alongside an increase in enrollment over the decades. Such school districts are receiving funding well under what they would be if funding distribution were based on enrollment numbers and district needs.


How is it determined/where does it come from.

  • Combination of federal, state and local government funding.
  • In Pennsylvania, the federal share of education funding is approximately 11%; the state pays for nearly 36% and the balance of 53%, comes from local taxes, typically from property taxes.
  • Considering these figures, a significant portion of funding is raised by revenue from local districts themselves.
  • Encourages locally elected officials to establish educational contracts, negotiate policies, set budgets and levy taxes.


“Hold Harmless” Data

  • I’m planning on using this data to put together an infographic that essentially shows how distribution would be different without Hold Harmless in effect.
  • Will explain and compare more broadly the funding going to the wealthy school districts versus the poorer ones to show how Hold Harmless is actually harming poorer districts.
  • https://www.pahouse.com/Files/Documents/Appropriations/series/3056/Hold-Harmless%20Analysis%202018-19.pdf


2014 Basic Education Funding Commission

  • This commission was tasked with creating a new formula to close the gap in school district funding. The formula put forth became law in 2016, intended to remedy the shortcomings of “Hold Harmless” by “using annually adjusted enrollment figures”.
  • The formula, however, overlooked various other factors impacting district budgets and when put into practice made no appreciable difference to the underfunded districts proving practically useless.

2021 Governor Wolf

  • Back in Spring of 2021, Governor Wolf proposed a plan to remedy public school finance inequality by significantly increasing PA’s personal income tax.
  • I need to do some more research on how this turned out.


  • Main obstacle: State officials represent their school district. Even though they acknowledge the harms of Hold Harmless and the inequity it perpetuates, to fix the problem would require diverting funding away from their own districts. Few residents of wealthy districts would support their elected official voting for their schools to receive less funding so that another receives more.
  • Covid-19
    • Many school districts were thrown into crisis with the pandemic due to expenses and decreases in local tax revenue.
    • Shutdown of schools and the economy caused massive financial crisis in all areas of government from which they are still recovering.


  • Fix the formula
    • How is the question though- need to do much more research
  • Education equality needs to take precedence over the wants of the wealthy
    • This is a lofty assertion that, if there were a nice solution, would remedy half of our country’s economic inequality. Not sure how I’ll tackle this one.



  • http://www.repschemel.com/schoolfunds#:~:text=In%201990%20the%20state%20of,from%20falling%20into%20economic%20collapse.
  • https://www.pahouse.com/Files/Documents/Appropriations/series/3056/Hold-Harmless%20Analysis%202018-19.pdf
  • https://www.pottsmerc.com/2021/02/14/voices-of-inequity-report-shows-how-pa-policy-harms-underfunded-schools-2/
  • https://www.childrenfirstpa.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/EdFundingFactSheet.pdf
  • https://radio.wpsu.org/education/2021-02-04/gov-wolf-pitches-massive-attempt-to-fix-pa-school-funding-inequities-with-income-tax-hike
  • https://www.elc-pa.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/ELC_SchoolFunding_LawPolicy_11_6_13.pdf