Deadline for Proposal Submission: November 20, 2020
The Studio for Sustainability and Social Action seeks proposals from artists and creators from Penn State campuses who are interested in establishing or continuing a community-based art project that responds to one or more of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The purpose of these mini-grants is to promote and coordinate community art projects and socially informed collaborations throughout Pennsylvania.
Any artist or collective associated with Penn State is eligible to apply. Artists are expected to commit to actively participating in the logistical processes inherent to a design project of this scope. Artists should demonstrate a record of artistic excellence, evidence of working in the field of public art for more than two years, and experience working in community settings.
Applications will only be accepted electronically. The proposal must include the following:
- Artist statement of intent
- Description of project (including concept and approach, and all logistics i.e. electric, networking, access, safety etc.)
- How the proposed project aligns with S3A’s goals
- Proposed schedule or timeline for design and fabrication
- Anticipated budget, including a modified plan if budget expenses cannot be met
- Schematic drawings, maps, or plans
Please submit your proposals to
You can find more information on what is expected from a proposal here. How to sponsor a SUCCESSFUL CAPSTONE DESIGN PROJECT